A great café closes its doors forever

in coffee •  10 months ago 

A Great Café Closes Its Doors Forever


One of my favourite cafés closed today. I hadn't been there in a while but for some reason I ended up there today. I didn't even notice the sign on the door when I walked in, but I was informed by the staff that "this is our last day!".

I spent all day there with some of the regulars that I had gotten to know over the years. We talked about visiting there during the pandemic days, being one of the cafés that stayed open through the lockdowns, albeit serving only takeaway sometimes.


Some of the old staff dropped in because the heard the news and the live in the area. One of them asked permission to make a coffee themselves and was granted the permission. They then had a little emotional moment which included hugs and tears.

I'm not going to lie I was a little emotional myself. I am one of their oldest customers, having been there on the very first day the café opened over a decade ago. I even have photos from back then. I've seen many different staff members come and go. I'm probably one of the only people that can identify almost al the people that have ever worked there.



My favourite part of the cafe was the toilet haha. They always have the most motivating messages in there. I went in there and took a few last shots before the doors closed permanently. I will miss that café.

Peace & Love,


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A few around me never made it through the pandemic it’s sad to see one to now

Yeah many businesses around here closed down during the pandemic. This one survived but apparently can't survive the recession.

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Bummer. I'm sorry. It's cool, though, that you were there on both their first and their last days. I imagine not many did that.

I was probably the only one :)