The Art of Code Review: Best Practices and Pitfalls to Avoid

in code •  10 months ago 

The Magic of Code Review: What You Should Know

What's Code Review?

Code review is like having a friend check your coloring book to make sure you didn't color outside the lines. It's when people look at the computer code you wrote to make it better.


Why Code Review?

Just like you want your drawings to be perfect, code needs to be perfect too. Code review helps find mistakes, makes it easier to understand, and helps it work smoothly.


Doing Code Review Right

Imagine building with building blocks – you want them to fit perfectly. In code review, you want your code to fit perfectly with the project. Be kind and helpful to your friends who are checking your code.


Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even grown-ups make mistakes in code review. Like not being clear or being too bossy. Remember, it's about making the code better, not making someone feel bad.


Code review is like having a friend help make your coloring book look amazing. It's important to be nice and helpful to make the computer code work perfectly!

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