Today is the moment to pluck the coconut from the tree

in coconutparty •  2 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Assalamu Alaikum Orahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

how are you all I hope you are well by the grace of God. I am also well in the infinite mercy of Allah Ta'ala. I pray that Allah Ta'ala keeps everyone well and protects everyone's family. The article I will write about with you Today is about eating coconut from yourself.







Today, I woke up in the morning, had breakfast and walked for a while, then at noon I asked my younger brother to remove the can from the tree. Because I live outside, I don't get coconuts. Suddenly today I wanted to eat coconut. But as my younger brother could not climb the tree, we went out to find a man who could carry the coconut. Now it is not common to find anyone who climbs trees. After a lot of searching, I asked a younger brother of the area to give me two or three coconuts. After many requests he agreed and he came to my house to remove the coconut from the tree. Then we ask him to pay the small amount. So he climbs the tree for the purpose of casting a can. Then he calls a few times. And tell younger brother to cut them actually in childhood we used to eat a lot of coconuts from our garden but after growing up miss these moments a lot now no friends are available and these moments are not available. It's getting a little hot today so it feels good to drink bottled water. These will be memories when I go out again. Then we broke out the dubs. And since I like to take pictures, I have captured some pictures of that moment with my camera and share them with you. Hope you like it. Until today, Inshallah, I will write more articles later.

Allah is Hafez.

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