Contest Of Contests #7 / The tongue is the body's punishment

in coc •  4 years ago 

Who has not heard the phrase "the tongue is the punishment of the body"? Everything that comes out of it seems to become a sentence that inevitably turns against us, only if we want it to, because it can also work in our favor, because if we are beings of edifying words, our language would no longer be a punishment, but a blessing. Can you see how in life everything will always depend on you, on what you do or say? We move in a universe that is governed by certain laws and one of them is the law of attraction, we vibrate in an energy and attract to our lives more than what we are, if we do not want more of the same, we have to be consistent with what we want to attract.

Our life is not going to change by magic, we have to achieve it, many say that you have to see to believe, when in reality the correct expression is to believe to see. You have to be in order to have, work to harvest, love to be loved, be good to receive goodness... many say: if I had X thing then I could be happy... you have to be happy with what you have so that life provides you with that which you desire so much. Being grateful for what we have now is a door to having more and more, on the contrary, if we are only in complaint mode, we will have less and less.

We must attract to us what we dream, vibrating in the energy that allows it to come closer. Let us dare to practice optimism, to believe that we have that power to create, just as God did not, in his image and likeness. Let our thoughts work for us and not against us, let us make them contain the ideas of the world we want and work to get them, let us change our way of doing things so that we build what we want.

Our life depends on us and we have the power to change it.


This is my entry for the Contest of Contest of @ilnegro, whom I want to thank for this contest that I think it's great.


My native language is Spanish, so I used
The photograph used is my own, edited in PowerPoint
Separator made in PowerPoint.
I've also used the official Blurt logo.

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