Contest Of Contests #10 / In the midst of honesty you will find answers

in coc •  4 years ago  (edited)


Human beings, as the social beings that we are, are always looking to connect with other people, we talk to each other and even try to get others to help us, to solve situations that are ours and that no one knows better than we do.

We were designed as unique beings, our thoughts, actions and emotions are different from the rest of the world and that is something very significant and that makes us special, no one can know more about me than I do; however, sometimes we are so entertained by what happens outside of us that we do not stop to listen to and understand each other, and the worst thing is that we even have the audacity to judge others.

We have the wisdom we need to make our life our best work, even though it may be asleep, it is something that comes with us, it is innate. Haven't you noticed that there are many things that are like a program that we bring preloaded, that we don't learn from the environment? Some say it's in our genetics, but the truth is that we're not born at zero, even a baby already has its own personality and is different from others.

When there is something that overwhelms me, I go inside my thoughts, I try the external silence to facilitate listening to me, although it is not something essential, it is simpler, even Jesus withdrew to pray to strengthen himself spiritually and look for answers. When I make that connection with my inner voice, my doubts are clarified. And don't believe it, many times those answers are not pleasant, I even tend to postpone some of those possible "solutions". Sometimes knowing what to do, at the moment, does not make you happier.

Once, in a YouTube video by Pilar Sordo, I heard her say that you know you have made the right decision when after making it you feel peace, no matter how difficult it is, something inside you tells you that you are doing the right thing and I think I understand perfectly what she is talking about, it is a feeling that is above fear, above doubts, above pain... So, if we ask ourselves a question and we answer it with all the different scenarios that we can think of, the answer that inspires us peace, is the one we should choose.

It is also good to write about what stuns us, as if we were emptying our soul into that paper, sometimes my tears are incorporated by making designs with the ink... but in the end, it is as if I left the burden there and those lines helped me find what I needed to know and could not see. And the fact is that at the end of the day, the answers we are looking for are not available to the experts, nor are they out there playing hide and seek outside of us, it's just that we are so busy suffering that we don't want to see it.

As the sales genius "Jurgüen Klaric" says, you have to "learn to be", the rest comes on top of that. I believe that in this world that is the key to "learning to be", that is why we train all this time of our earthly life, to discover the best version of ourselves. There is no point in evading reality, honesty is very important on this path.

Everything that happens, is for some reason, even if we don't see it, that reason exists; that's why I think it's better to accept reality as it is, and to go forward in the midst of difficulties, there is the challenge, the one that will make you grow and reach your purpose in life. Inevitably to achieve everything you want: money, love, peace, fame, health... whatever it is, it is through you, so we must be well with us, love and understand each other, to harmonize with everything outside and be able to attract what we yearn for, instead of what we don't want.

Think a little bit, where are most of your thoughts of the day? Surely they are adapted to your reality, fill your mind with thoughts that are alienated to what you want and work towards that, and above all be happy while you fight for your victory, that God has given us what we need to achieve it.

Above all be honest with yourself and with others, only from the nakedness of the soul can you live in peace.


This is my entry for the Contest of Contest of @ilnegro, whom I want to thank for this contest that I think it's great.

If you want to participate you can find all the information HERE. Go ahead, it's very simple and you have a wide variety of options to choose from.


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