Contest Of Contests #13 / Believing that everything is possible

in coc •  4 years ago 


How powerful is faith, that unshakable strength that makes us stand, even in the most difficult situations. In life, we need to have something to believe in, to be able to endure any tribulation. No doubt that faith was very helpful for me this past year 2020, I clearly remember its first three months, just before the announcement that we were in quarantine, in March, until that moment everything was routine. One Friday we were meeting in the office and discussing what was happening in Wuhan, it sounded like something so far away that it would not touch us, however, that was the last day we met there. Already the following Monday we were in captivity, it was unbelievable. With the terrible situation in many countries of the so-called first world, I came to think: What will become of our Venezuela? However, so far the situation has been under control, thank God.

Contrary to what is perhaps expected, it has been an incredibly productive and beautiful time for me. Once we got over the shock of the news, we had to be creative and make our small space of 70 square meters our paradise. We began to see the positives of being home, I had really always wanted an opportunity like this where I could be with my children and husband for longer. We no longer had to get up early or rush for anything, I could read as much as I wanted, study and learn new things, hug my children at every moment, spoil them with delicious meals and desserts that I could learn to prepare... suddenly it no longer seemed bad to have to stay at home, and I even understood that we were lucky not to have to leave in the middle of a pandemic.

I accepted the situation, like all the things that have happened to me in my life. It was not in my hands to change anything external, I could only work on myself and my home. Every day we pray to our God for things to get better, He is the only one who can intercede for humanity, it is up to us as mortals to have faith and try to do our part, which starts with being better people. I have learned that thankfulness connects us with abundance and complaining with lack, so thankfulness is always the best choice.

And so we have been happy in our home in the midst of the storm, every day of health, family togetherness, love, shelter and food on the table, is a victory that fills us with joy; we have proven that God provides and never forsakes us, because we believe it with all our hearts. As crazy as it may seem, our thoughts create our reality and I can tell you that this year has been much better than the last. As a family, we are more united and integrated than ever, I know that for many it has been difficult to be locked up with their own "loved ones", fortunately, for us it has not been like that, it is like living an idyll and notice that we have been in these circumstances for almost a year now. We have lived so many experiences that were unimaginable, but that can be enriching if they are assumed with a good attitude.

And I understand that to many it may seem that most of the points I mention, normal or easy things to have, but for us, under the current scenario, they are extraordinary. So yes, I am happy for so many blessings and I have much more to do and to enjoy as long as we are under this scheme; and before each new reality, we will be strengthened and ready to assume it with gallantry. I really have nothing to reproach 2020, regardless of what happens, I will always remember it in a special way, because for us it marked a new beginning. There is a popular phrase that says: "There are those who complain about the rain and there are those who sell umbrellas"... Which is more productive?

Time always helps us to see the opportunities behind the crises, in fact over there they say that everything we want is out of our comfort zone, and I think it is true, so it is time to accept the things we cannot change and move forward even against the current.

My beautiful people, I wish for you that this year is full of health, joy, love, peace and prosperity, that your dreams, desires and goals can come true and that one year from now we find ourselves thanking for an extraordinarily good 2021. Thank you all for existing.

Let us not stop believing that magic exists.


This is my entry for the Contest of Contest of @ilnegro, whom I want to thank for this contest that I think it's great.

If you want to participate you can find all the information HERE. Go ahead, it's very simple and you have a wide variety of options to choose from.


My native language is Spanish, so I used
The photograph used is my own, edited in PowerPoint
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I've also used the official Blurt logo.

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