Contest Of Contests #12 / The adrenaline of everyday life

in coc •  4 years ago 


Who would have thought that a shopping day would turn into a special event and that we should stay away from contact with people? Every time I have to go out, for me it is a joy for two reasons: first, because it is an occasion to leave home in quarantine and second, because I thank God that I have the resources to do so, not to mention the fact that we are alive and healthy. Nowadays, surviving has become such an extreme experience that it generates pure adrenaline.

Since I have to wear a mask, I don't have to worry about makeup, I guess this industry has lowered its sales; at least where I live people must wear their masks to be able to enter any establishment, it is not even worth putting on makeup base, any product would have contact with the fabric, although my husband says that women now can only wear makeup on their eyes and he is right, but what I observe in general in my environment is that we wear a washed face, it is the most practical for the routine.

I live in a simple town, there is not much to invent when it comes to shopping; however, there are some establishments that make you feel like you are in another city, because of how well cared for they are and it is because they are franchises that must maintain a standard. They are my favorites to visit, for example, the department store Traki, where you can spend hours looking at everything there is. In this, as in almost all businesses, the prices are published in dollars, and even so, they increase over time. I don't know if this happens in any other country, but imagine the tension of going out and being confronted with crazy prices.

We always have programmed which places we should visit to acquire what we need, nowadays we cannot afford to drive the car more than necessary, due to the scarcity of gasoline. Sometimes we go to a state supermarket, where we would expect the products to be cheaper, but no, they are usually more expensive than in other places. It is something inexplicable, but inexplicable things are routine in our country, so there is no sense in wasting a lot of time on them.

As for groceries, we have found that they are cheaper in another municipality, San Jose de Guanipa, so we usually use another day for these purchases. And when we don't have gasoline, there are options close to our house, thank God, the price is higher, but considering the cost of gasoline, which we usually find at a dollar per liter, sometimes it is better not to move the vehicle. That is why we organize ourselves well when it comes to shopping, we leave for a single day everything we can accumulate to do in a specific area, this has been useful for us.

Speaking of shopping through WhatsApp groups, a video has gone viral of a market in Caracas, where you usually buy clothes at a very good price and there is quite a variety, in the old days my husband used to take me there to buy clothes for the office and for the holidays, and it is even one of the favorite places for resellers, the point is that in the video you can literally see a herd of people as tight as sardines in cans, trying to move through the aisles and without masks! If I had not seen it I do not believe it, I do not post the video because I do not know the source, but it was not about people buying food gentlemen, but buying clothes. Of course I was not at all surprised by the announcement made by the president a couple of days ago that the cases of covid-19 have increased and that he will have to resume the radical quarantine again. Sometimes we look like children who need to be watched to behave, yet many people do not believe that this disease is a reality. For my part, I avoid crowded places and I keep the biosecurity norms to an extreme, because it is better to be safe than sorry.


This is my entry for the Contest of Contest of @ilnegro, whom I want to thank for this contest that I think it's great.

If you want to participate you can find all the information HERE. Go ahead, it's very simple and you have a wide variety of options to choose from.


My native language is Spanish, so I used
The photograph used is my own, edited in PowerPoint
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