Contest Of Contests #10 - My Life Overturned

in coc •  4 years ago 


The word that had too much hold over my heart. Although I didn't realize not only it will shatter my heart but my world. I wasn't prepared for it. I don't think anyone was prepared for what was to come. Soon I'll see my world fall apart and all I could do was watch.


Hi, I'm Azra Elmas and this is my story. This all started last night when I met the person who was soon to become my nightmare. I wish I could turn back the clock and change everything, but I can't.

Last night... I wish we stayed home last night. If only I and my roommates didn't decide to go to the party, it might have been alright. I live with two roommates; their names are Esma and Gül. I work in the library, Gül plays piano at a local theatre and Esma works in the nearby cafe. We all study at the local college but the hostel is a little expensive so we decided to share an apartment.


So, there we were at a time of our lives, where we living our life to the fullest. We three became each other's family and have been through thick and thin for more than 2 years. So many memories we share; all the happy times and all the heartbreaks. We’ve all been each other’s prime support.

Yesterday Esma and I came home early and Gül was (we thought) gone for a rehearsal.

Esma: Azra look. A new guy moved into the building.

A guy was putting in boxes inside the apartment two doors down from ours.

Me: I guess we have neighbors now. Haha, this whole floor is so spooky all the time.
Esma: I wonder why nobody else rented this and the other apartment?
Me: You think anyone wants to get anywhere close to our dearest little old Sevil? They would have a time of their lives with her snakes. (I unlocked the door and we walked inside the apartment)
Esma: Ewww you’re right. Gosh, I still get nightmares from the time when Spungy (a Boa) was roaming in the hallway a few weeks ago. She lets her snakes roam freely on this whole floor.
Me: Ah, so you didn’t hear about the guy who was delivering Bakhlawa last year?
Esma: What happened to him? Oh Gül you’re at home? What’s up?
Gül:: Meh I was feeling a little lazy. I’ll go after 6 pm. I can’t believe you didn’t hear about the delivery guy (laughs)
Me: Ruby (Scarlet kingsnake) bit him, he was sent to the hospital. Fortunately, he survived.
Esma: Why would someone die by a coral snake?
Gül:: Hahaha that’s what we thought too. But it’s a scarlet kingsnake.
Esma: Holy Shit! We need to get out of here, quick.
Me: (Laughing) Chill hot pants. We have already spent 2 years with them. Spungy and Ruby are fond of us. We’re still alive, right? Besides, we just have a few months left to finish. We’ll move out then. How does it sound?
Esma: (gulping nervously) Okay, just a few months left.
Gül:: Hahaha. Hey, how about we go to my rehearsal tonight. We can to a club later.
Me: Sound like fun. (grinning)
Esma: A drink would definitely take my mind off of that bloody red snake!!

We all dressed up and went to Gül's rehearsal to get her. By the time we were there, the rehearsal was almost to its end. We went to the club and were having fun, but I somewhat felt like I was being watched. I looked around and saw a guy at a bar stool 20 to 25 feet away from us who was staring at us. I turn to my friends.

Me: (to Esma) Look that man over there. He's been staring at us for a long time.
Esma: What the hell is wrong with him?
Gül:: Why would you think that? Maybe he’s here with his friends!
Me: Could be. (right then a woman sat next to him and they started chatting) Looks like you’re right!
Gül:: Chill, not everyone is out to get us! Hahaha
Esma: Yea yea, hey let’s have a few more drinks.

As I went towards the bar, I saw that the woman who was sitting with that guy had slipped something onto that his drink. The guy was in the going towards her but I was closer to him. I went up to him.


Me: Excuse me. I didn’t want to spoil your evening but the lady you’re with has spiked your drink. Just be careful
The guy: Okay, thanks for telling me.
Me: No problem. (I walked away from him)

We continued partying and around midnight we went home. When we reached our apartment, I suspected movements in the hallway but I couldn’t see anybody. I thought it was the new neighbor. Maybe.

The next morning when I was going out of the apartment, I saw my new neighbor talking to another guy. That guy handed him something. I looked away and quickly locked the door. The neighbor was coming towards me.

The neighbor: Hello, I’m Demir. I just moved in yesterday. Nice to meet you (extended his arm)
Me: (shook his hand) Nice to meet you too. I’m Azra.
Demir: Are you going somewhere?
Me: Yes, just close here. I’ll take off now.
Demir: Umm ah okay. Good day.
Me: Likewise.

As I stepped out of the building, I saw a guy from last night. He covered half his face with his hoodie. He quickly starts walking as soon as he realized I saw him. I started walking towards the library.

When I was coming back home, I felt like I was being followed. I start to run. When I got to my apartment floor, I saw that it was quite dark and the lights are blinking. I quickly walk towards my apartment and saw that it was open. I walk in to see everything trashed. I bring out my phone to call the police and suddenly something hit my head.

I woke up to find myself tied to a chair. I don’t see Esma or Gül anywhere. Then I found Demir on the floor, unconscious.


The lady: Do you have any Idea what you have done last night?
Me: Last Night? Last night I tried to help a guy whose drink you spiked. (I was panicked)

The lady came close to me, looking straight at me. She slapped me right across my face, then repeated a few times. She was enraged.

The lady: Are you working for him? What else do you know huh? (Screamed) Tell me!
Me: I don’t know anything. I swear. Please, I never saw him before in my life.
The lady: Then why did you tell him about the spiked whiskey last night? Hmm? Honesty? Good heart?

I had no idea I would be facing this wrath. I don’t know what’s coming for me.

Last night!!!

The one night that changed everything.
All I can see now is Ruby roaming in my living room.


P.S.: This is fiction. I enjoy writing fiction although I barely get enough time to write. I hope all of you enjoy reading it. Check out Contest Of Contests #10.Thank you so much. Happy Sunday!!!


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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

What happened to Azra? Who was him? Is he Vincent? o.O?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Oh my!! Hmm well you know Ruby is very familiar with Azra but not The Lady... and snakes aren't fond of hostile strangers 😆 the rest you can guess

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I couldn't see the images before :/

Blurt is malfunctioning

And I say WHAAAAATTT?????

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

hahahaha tha's the beauty of my friend... it shows everything hahaha