Contest of Contests #12: Adrenaline

in coc •  4 years ago 

We have days in which the activities take place normally, but suddenly almost at the end of the day, the unconsciousness of the neighbors disrupts the harmony, because it gives them to place music at full volume, when I was about to write to publish at the end of the day began the miniteca to rumble in the room and you can add the voices of people in a drunken state with obscene words that it was difficult to concentrate with such noise, But as I had spent a happy day sharing with my family I promised myself that it would not affect my mood and I controlled the adrenaline, so I took a deep breath and waited until they lowered the volume and I could write. But the music ended very late and I was already exhausted, I could not rest well and I stood up tired, so I left to write after noon when I felt more energetic.


The truth is that I do not understand the unconsciousness of many people in my country who do not respect their neighbor, they do not understand that their rights end when they affect the rights of others, but sometimes it is better to let it go and avoid major problems, once I talked to the neighbor's mother and it worked for a few days, but then I continue as if nothing, I will leave it in God's hands.


After spending a night without a good rest I find it hard to concentrate, but I thank God for allowing me to be living this day surrounded by my loved ones and that love lifts my spirits and fills my being with positive energies, having a family is a source of happiness, building a home full of love is a strength that gives you the security to fight for whatever you want to achieve.


You know in other times I would have gone out and knocked down the neighbor's door, but it must be the age that gives you peace of mind and we better take a breath and look for ways to alleviate the moment, if breathing deeply helps to avoid confrontations that will not bring benefits and in these times of pandemic it is better not to let the adrenaline rise and seek to lower the nerves to calm the inner self, do not let the adrenaline rise and get out of control.


Dear readers, grateful for your valuable visit and your comments in my publications, you feed and activate my motivation to write, every day is a reason to thank God for so many blessings. Happiness always

Venezuela tierra de paz
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Venezuela, land of peace
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