Contest of Contests #11: Triste/Sad

in coc •  4 years ago 

Sadness, pain and courage when they attack Blurt, it really bothers some people who use their valuable knowledge to harm an ecosystem that does not attack, which is to support those of us who share our publications, but I tell you that in Blurt there is much knowledge and heart to face these attacks and I am sure that they will come out stronger, it does not hurt the one who wants to, it does the one who can, they managed to paralyze the platform for several days, but today it is already more robust and ready to grow even more.


Sad they must be because they did not achieve their goal, we have Blurt for a while, as a famous actor says, "what does not kill strengthens" and soon with all his team and cooperators we will have an impenetrable Blurt. But really it is as they say in my town "it is sad for others" to see how people without professions dedicate themselves to do harm.


I tell you that this is the only thing that gives pain in Blurt, because everything else is pure peace and harmony, you feel the freedom to publish without fear, publishing is satisfactory, although for now it has a low value of the currency, soon it will rise above its highest historical value, let's have FAITH that will manage to recover and the sad ones will be those who yesterday attacked Blurt. To leave the sadness behind, let's put on our wish list for 2021 that Blurt recovers as well as his value that the inhabitants who support him with their creative writings grow.


It also makes me sad to see that covid-19, continues to advance in the world even though we all know that the best way to fight it is to go out only for emergency and to keep in mind the biosecurity measures recommended by the experts. Let us pray to God that with the massive vaccination the definitive eradication of this harmful virus will begin. Let us all take care to leave the sadness behind, let us protect our loved ones.

Blurt will continue to grow despite the attacks. What they gain by acting dirty, I don't know where they attack from, but I tell you they won't make it


Estimados lectores, agradecido con su valiosa visita y sus comentarios en mis publicaciones, ustedes alimentan y activan mi motivación para escribir, cada día es un motivo para agradecer a Dios por tantas bendiciones. Felicidad siempre

Dear readers, grateful for your valuable visit and your comments in my publications, you feed and activate my motivation to write, every day is a reason to thank God for so many blessings. Happiness always

Venezuela tierra de paz
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Venezuela, land of peace
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