Have you watched this series in Netflix? This is awesome! I enjoyed watching it. It didn't take long to surpass strangers things.
奈飞的这部连续剧【Wednesday】蛮好看的。在短短时间内就有超过【stranger things】的收视率,势头非常强劲。
Compared to stranger things, the whole story line was more predictable, but overall it was pretty cool. It's also one of the product by Tim Burton, you can imagine how strong it is.
虽然从故事线上来说它比起【stranger things】差些,故事的发展大多可以提前猜到,但是整个剧情还是编排得挺好的。再加上是tim burton 的作品,更是加上几分。
It tells a war between normie and outcasters. In a beautiful town called Nevermore, there happened some horrible killing accidents. The story started with a normie hiker whom was brutally dissected in the woods by some monsters. The cops were trying to figure out what exactly happened. In this town, there is a school called Nevermore Academy, which is where outcasters go. Everything looks normal at the beginning.
这是关于普通人和特殊人群之间的战争。看似宁静的小镇Nevermore,居然频频发生一些惊悚事件。故事刚开始一个普通的hiker 在林间被残忍解体;预示着这个镇的不平常。这个镇里有个专门教育具有特殊能力的学校叫做Nevermore Academy。
The key character is Wednesday. She has psychic ability, she has visions and see stuffs. She and her younger brother were in regular school, her brother was bullied by some bullies. She took revenge and was expelled from the school. Her parents drove her to Nevermore Academy, that's also where they used to go when they were young.
故事的女主人翁 Wednesday有着可以看到未来的超能力。为了报复普通学校里欺负自己弟弟的人,把一大袋活生生的食人鱼丢进游泳池中。游泳池里是那群欺负自己弟弟的人。可想而知后果是什么。她被学校除名了。于是她的父母决定把她送到Nevermore Academy学校。她的到来将“搅乱”学校里的生活,并让揭示一场重大阴谋的真相。
Wednesday was a very independent girl, she was cool and has very strong character. She didn't need any friends. Her arrival at Nevermore Academy will reveal the truth of all the strange things happened in this town. She insisted to investigate the whole situation herself and tried to find out the truth. She saved everyone in the school, and found the real person behind the plots and killing.
Wednesday从一开始冷漠,不需要任何朋友,为了找到真相,不惜让身边的朋友涉险;到最后得到真正的友情,成为有感情,有担当的人。她拯救了整个Nevermore Academy学校的学生。使得一个被精心谋划的阴谋得以曝光,让凶手现形并绳之以法。
There is only 8 episodes in this season 1. Because it attracts great reviews and is popular, everyone suspects there will be season 2. Let's see what Netflix will decide. If you haven't had chance to watch this series and you like thriller movies, this is a good one.
故事只有8 集。因为收视率如此的成功,预计将有可能有第二季。看奈飞做什么决定吧?没有看过这部片的可以去看看,挺另类的。
credit: netflix