When I was young, we were told of the story of Pinocchio, the wooden child whose nose grows when he lies. As naive as I was as a little child, I was so scared and tried to cover my nose and made sure that it didn't grow.
There are so many different versions of Pinocchio. I like the new story of Pinocchio by Guillermo Del Toro's. It's very well done.
皮诺丘的故事版本真是太多了。前一阵子才刚看了一片新版本。结果居然又有一新故事出来。 自己觉得这个故事还是挺不错的。
Many of Pinocchio stories tried to avoid the real boy's story. This movie spends quite some time to tell you the story of the real boy and his bond with the old man. They lived so happily together. Unfortunately, happiness usually goes to an end just like real world. The little boy died in the church when the nazi dropped a bomb from the air. Without the child, the old man was guilty, sad and angry. He drank every day and cried sitting in front of the boy's tomb. The pine cone that the little boy picked has grown into a big tree next to the boy's tomb. After another desperate crying and anger outburst, the old man chopped the tree down and dragged it home, he turned the tree into a wooden boy. Inside the tree, is the cricket. After completing the wooden boy, the old man fell asleep on the ground.
While he was sleeping, some magic happened, the fairy came and turned the wooden boy Pinocchio into life. She also asked the cricket to become Pinocchio's guardian and granted it a wish if he succeeds in the role.
This Pinocchio is very different from other Pinocchios that I've watched before. He has his own mind, he wants to be himself only. He is also an immortal. Every time after he died, he will come back. Until the last time when he chose to beat the time in order to save the old man. He sacrificed himself for the old man and died. Thank god that cricket used his wish to bring Pinocchio back. Pinocchio and the old man lived happily after until the old man died one day peaceful in his own bed when his time was up. So was the cricket. Pinocchio doesn't die. He travels and continues his life...
I like this movie a lot. Different people, different choice, will lead to different story and ending. It's just like our life. I am sure this won't be the last version of Pinocchio's story, there will be new stories. Reflectively, there are so many changes, ordeal in life. How do we spend our life and tell our own story really depends on our own choice. Maybe we are different versions of Pinocchio, we all live our life through different choices. There are always more than one choice in life, you have to look for it hard...
非常不错的故事叙述方式。看来老片也有新故事。只要讲故事的人不同,同样的故事可以有不一样的故事和结局。相信这不会是最后一片皮诺丘的故事。以后也一定会有不同的新版本出现。其实想想,生活中有着无数的变数。真正故事也如何讲,生活要如何过,真的是看每个人自己的选择。也许我们都是不同版本的皮诺丘,都通过自己不同的选择活出不一样的自己和结局… 而这过程中,很多情况下是自己可以选择的…
credit: netflix.com