
in cn •  2 years ago  (edited)

[caption id="attachment_61271" align="alignnone" width="848"]顶级技术趋势 Top Technology Trends 顶级技术趋势 Top Technology Trends[/caption]

未来10 年的下一个技术趋势是什么?

ChatGPT 的回答,有模有样。从这个答案可以看出chatGPT确实只能基于已有大量文本数据来推断生成(引用/嫁接/组合)新的许义文本而不具备科学性。尝试如果有一部分含义相近的流言或遥言或谎言文本重复“地球人口为10亿”。那么当你问它地球有多少人时它将回复你这个错误的言论。

ChatGPT从小众扩散大众熟悉,大概用时2个月。本质上说,ChatGPT只是一个"语言机器人", 它能回答你关于计算机的问题, 并不是因为它"懂"这方面的知识, 它懂的是所有的语言文字在特定要求下的分布概率,并能预测你要的那个概率。所以说,它只是在无意识地模仿人类的表达方式,把搜索到的信息以适合的方式表达得以假乱真。与其说懂,不如说是“不懂装懂”。当然,这个能力对普通人而言,跟“懂”并没有区别,但普通人的认知水平和表达能力正是机器的“懂”的极限,大部分专业领域,它只能输出该领域中初级人员的内容,更不可能去解决创新的问题。但是,做到这样,才是真正的像一个"人"...

The next trend in technology in the next 10 years will likely be the continued development of artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and 5G networks. AI will continue to become more sophisticated and integrated into everyday life, while IoT will enable more connected devices and systems. 5G networks will provide faster speeds and better connectivity, allowing for more data-intensive applications and services. Additionally, virtual and augmented reality will become more commonplace, as will blockchain technology and quantum computing.

未来 10 年的下一个技术趋势可能是人工智能 (AI)、物联网 (IoT) 和 5G 网络的持续发展。 人工智能将继续变得更加复杂并融入日常生活,而物联网将支持更多连接的设备和系统。 5G 网络将提供更快的速度和更好的连接性,从而支持更多数据密集型应用和服务。 此外,虚拟现实和增强现实将变得更加普遍,区块链技术和量子计算也是如此。

TECHOLOGY TREND Another similar answer (ChatGPT returns different answers slightly every time to the same question):

One of the biggest technology trends in recent years has been the continued growth and advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). AI and ML are being used to automate a wide range of tasks and processes, from voice recognition and image processing to predictive analytics and decision-making.

Another major trend is the rise of cloud computing, which allows individuals and businesses to access computing resources and services over the internet. Cloud computing has made it easier and more cost-effective to store, process, and analyze large amounts of data, and has enabled the development of new applications and services that would have been difficult or impossible to create with traditional on-premises infrastructure.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is another important trend, which refers to the increasing number of devices and sensors that are connected to the internet and able to collect and share data. IoT has the potential to revolutionize industries such as healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing by providing real-time insights into operational performance and enabling new types of automation and control.

Finally, blockchain technology has emerged as a trend with significant potential to transform industries such as finance and supply chain management.

十大技术趋势 Top 10 Technology Trend

另一个类似的答案(ChatGPT 每次对同一个问题返回的答案略有不同):

近年来最大的技术趋势之一是人工智能 (AI) 和机器学习 (ML) 的持续增长和进步。 AI 和 ML 被用于自动化广泛的任务和流程,从语音识别和图像处理到预测分析和决策制定。

另一个主要趋势是云计算的兴起,它允许个人和企业通过互联网访问计算资源和服务。 云计算使存储、处理和分析大量数据变得更加容易且更具成本效益,并支持开发使用传统本地基础设施难以或不可能创建的新应用程序和服务。

物联网 (IoT) 是另一个重要趋势,它指的是越来越多的设备和传感器连接到互联网并能够收集和共享数据。 通过提供对运营绩效的实时洞察并实现新型自动化和控制,物联网有可能彻底改变医疗保健、运输和制造等行业。



  1. 人工智能(AI)
  2. 机器学习
  3. 自然语言处理
  4. 无人驾驶
  5. 虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)
  6. 智能家居
  7. 云计算
  8. 物联网
  9. 区块链
  10. 5G网络

英文: What is going to be the next trend in technology in the next 10 years?

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