At Installer Wordpress Drawback Monter avec Clipchamp and record video directly with it

in clipchamp •  4 months ago 

Record video directly with Clipchamp creates 2 videos one for webcam and one for PC. However I do not know why it sometimes becomes a black screen and lose all recorded screen with camera. Even click on stop doesn't solve the problem you lose all work sometimes when you click on Arrêter le partage.
Monosnap with pop out video of webcamera io has same effect and never experienced any issue.
For image for make a new video of image it loads them at complete disorder as the figure shows like installing wordpress split image with pinetools from Maxscott courses.
The solution is to use this powershell script to rename them before processing and choose order by name, name it by .ps1 and execute with powershell:

Change to your target directory

$folderPath = "." # Change this path to your folder
Set-Location -Path $folderPath

Initialize counter

$counter = 1

Get all files in the folder, excluding .ps1 files, and sort them

Get-ChildItem -File | Where-Object { $_.Extension -ne '.ps1' } | Sort-Object Name | ForEach-Object {
# Create zero-padded number - format is 3 digits
$newNumber = "{0:d3}" -f $counter

# Construct new name
$newName = "{0}-{1}{2}" -f $newNumber, 'a', $_.Extension

# Rename the file
Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $newName

# Increment the counter



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