What action needs to be taken to combat climate change?

in climatechange •  3 years ago 

The buzz around Global warming is getting stronger by the day. Global Warming, Climate Change, Increasing Pollution, Toxicity in the environment , Wifi Radiations, Forest Fires, for all of this, how much is a common man responsible?

Up to what extent is the common man harming the environment and creating destruction?
The Governments holds the common man responsible for the plastic waste, for the forest fires, for the increasing pollution and what not. But where does it all come from? Who Promotes it and Who spreads it?
All of this is something that we need to really think of.

Every single person on this planet is responsible, but some are more and some are less.

What are the many causes of Global warming?
What is actually causing harm is the installations of the 5G, GMO Foods, the Chemtrails sprayed out in the air, the forest fires, increased usage of plastics, increased number of transportations, the rapid growth in population.

The carbon emissions from fossil fuels have gone up by 80% to 85% in the last 100 years. Are the common people like you and me doing this. To an extent Yes and No as well.


As common people we want super enhanced technology systems, gadgets. If our wifi signal goes down, immediately we get restless and start complaining, this only results into increasing the bandwidths and creating more harm to the climate.
The higher the radiation the more harmful it is for the health and environment of all living beings, be it we human, birds, plants, animals. It can cause DNA damage, lead to cancer, premature ageing, increase in stress levels. We can imagine with the 5G coming in what are we inviting. I remember when there was only 2G it was working fine, but when 3G came in the 2G signal was weakened up and people were lured to get into 3G and so did it happen when the 4G came. It is all a planned game, so that people do not have a choice but to get into higher technologies not realizing the harm that it will bring. Who approves the license of these technologies? It is not the common people, but yes, the common man is equally responsible for the never-ending demands.

Common people cannot shy off, because they are the ones whose demands are increasing day by day and creating demand of all of these things which are causing harm to nature.

Plastic use is another one major factor for pollution and Climate change. Why do we use plastics is a step 2 question, the first one is why does it get manufactured in the first place. Why are there companies being given licenses to manufacture plastic bags, bottles, why is this whole line of business not being diversified. We get mineral water in plastic bottles which contributes to a large extent of waste when there is no proper recycle mechanisms. Common people are coming together and inventing ways to recycle plastic. Plastic cannot be completely avoided but it can be used minimally.
In Mumbai city though I see this is being worked on but not being followed rigorously. For some time, there was a strict ban and over a period of time it got fizzled out.


The number of cars on the roads are increasing at an alarming speed. Where there was a time when there used to be one car in the family and now almost every family member has a car. Which means increased consumption of fuel, air pollution directly impacting nature.
In one of the articles, I read that livestock is responsible for a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions, and beef is one of the biggest contributors. Really?
So, the Oil and Gas and the Coal companies have very less contribution in it?

If we look up at the sky, we will see so many unusual things up there which was not seen 30 years ago. The Chemical Trails where toxic material is sprayed in the sky through airplanes. What do you think, it is the common man's action, who takes up a airplane in the sky and starts spraying these toxic chemicals in the environment.

The Climate change is a big issue but where does it originate from, who can control it. The people who are responsible for the welfare are the ones bringing in destruction. What is the motive behind it. The farming activity has been disrupted in so many parts of the world. And do we think all of this has no meaning?

In future Climate change lock downs are anticipated, and the common man will again have to be in their four walls and this time it will be for an indefinite period, but at the same time, all the other activities will continue.


As a common person, we can do small bits of it, but is that enough? The answer is NO. What we can do is push back on the use of many things as much as possible, like the use of higher technologies, living more in natural ways, not using day to day products which are causing harm to the health and environment. If we start reducing our demands, the supply will also have to be cut down. Lesser usage of electricity, reducing number of cars on the roads. Extending the usage of gadgets for a longer duration and do our bit to combat this problem.

But for sure this problem is not as easy to tackle with these limited actions. Up there things have to change, the abuse has to stop, else our future generations will never know what the beauty of nature is. They may never get the opportunity to breathe clean air. What actions as an individual and as a society we take will decide the future of the generations to come. If we keep being greedy with our never ending demands, we are soon going to deplete our natural resources.

Stop sitting comfortably in the four walls and just spreading out messages like Stay Home, Stay Safe and all, you are never going to be safe that way. While you think you are safe so much is happening out there and when you wake up you will see a totally different world. A world where there is no Freedom, no Liberty. Do not be so clueless of where the world is leading to, rather question everything, every single thing that is being said to you.

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