Trust the Predictions

in climate •  2 years ago 

The title is laughable: The Models Are OK, the Predictions are Wrong.

erm... OK, so the Ptolemaic planetary models were OK, just that the predictions were wrong. The predictions were so wrong that the system was thrown out in favour of a heliocentric model. Even that, on its own was not enough, as what was also obvious was that planet orbits were not circular. There were two problems, not just one. The third problem was that, in Europe, the Church had been telling people to believe something entirely different.

In Galileo's trial, cardinal Bellarmine used the idea that mathematics merely "saved the phenomenon" but could not establish the true cause. Nowadays, we have the reverse, where fake mathematics is used to "create the phenomenon" that isn't there at all - something the Church, amusingly, has experience of, and supports.

I've no idea why he has these terrible titles, apart from trying to keep his channel alive.

In 2017 Dr. Judith Curry retired from her position at the Georgia Institute of Technology, citing “the poisonous nature of the scientific discussion around man-made climate change” as a key factor. Curry co-founded and acts as president of the Climate Forecast Applications Network (CFAN), which seeks to translate cutting-edge weather and climate research into tenable forecast products.

Indeed, listening to the discussion, the models are definitely NOT OK! One example, that increasing CO2 has created more greening - it is plant food. This is the perfect negative feedback loop that helps self-regulate the planet.

Corporate pollution - that's the real crime going unreported and unpunished.

One thing to appreciate is that even an intelligent and articulate person such as JP can really struggle with having a valid global view. As one of his previous guests said, correcting the details takes so much effort and time, during which the propaganda keeps rolling, that one has to point the finger at the whole fakery.

Just look at the proposed solutions to see the scam. If there was a real problem, one would also not stop scientific debate towards finding a real solution. The disgusting toxification of our whole environment is enough to show me that the climate fakery has a different aim - the same aim as the virus scam - total control through synthetic fear and helplessness due to endemic deep ignorance.

And never forget, the climate scam was a stated objective of the Club of Rome - 100% pure behaviour control. Curry actually mentions this political fraud before any scientific evidence without mentioning its source. Indeed, JP seems unaware of this history; it isn't a conspiracy when it's in a book - the conspiracy is why most people are threatened to look away from the truth. IMO JP is not wholly innocent here; he has many talks about evil, yet shirks away when confronted with it on a global scale. It isn't "easy moral virtues", it's a planned technocratic takeover.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

the climate fakery has a different aim - the same aim as the virus scam - total control through synthetic fear and helplessness due to endemic deep ignorance.

Both of these will, or already have, greatly increase our toxic loads.

This video is great. Thanks for posting it.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

haven't watched this yet, but curious - where did the club of rome state that objective? Or have I not been paying enough attention to perceptualflaws?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

found it! was faster to find the link again than the comment with it.


they alluded to this in The Limits to Growth (1968) but is explicit in the above book. In the video Curry mentions what happened after but didnt finger that propaganda sheet as the root cause.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Indeed, everybody who believes the climate hoax has to be shown this as proof of evil intent and the creation of fake science to prop up a political agenda of one world control. That is the reason for the climate scam -to unite the sheep to accept limits to their freedoms.
If that doesn't work, there's always the last card - fake alien invasion threat.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

and here is how the climate con gets into law
another pillar of wokism, aka retarded development.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
