How the Climate Change Hoax Became Science Propaganda

in climate •  2 years ago 

Dr Lindzen has been in climate physics since the 1960s, and has retained his honesty as a scientist - he can tell the difference between a hypothesis and a theory. The current alleged "climate model" is a more complex farce than the very similar useless model of "covid".

He says a few times, that the model that allegedly backs the narrative is filled with holes, and genuine scientists know this, but it takes time and effort to highlight all those errors, one by one, using rigorous science, through publications that then get rejected as not woke enough. In the meantime, the narrative train keeps on ploughing through people's minds and lives.

As I've said before, the climate scam was manufactured by the Club of Rome. Anybody who cannot see the hoax has their eyes firmly shut and their minds intoxicated with false beliefs.

Look at this for an explicit example of how the data is mathematically scammed:

What they do is take each station, take a 30-year average, I forget it's like 1950 to 1980, and look at the deviation of the temperature from that average, and they average the anomalies of the deviations!

If one takes the original data and does a legitimate statistical analysis, one finds that the annual variations are huge, of the order of 20 degrees, so that the regression line is being swamped by error bars. This means the confidence level of the projection is near zero.

Climate is no longer a physical science, it has become a political "science". The "climate change" scam is a mere hypothesis masquerading as an alarmist certainty. Yet again, that all-pervasive fear-mongering keyword - inevitable - spreads its poison. What is inevitable is that the elite class want to create a technocratic dystopia.

Journals that were once scientific have turned into organs of propaganda. The average individual is clueless about this, but that's also because they don't care to look - they don't even seem to care to care. Sport and games and infantile videos seem far more important.

The interview covers many more details about how Lindzen experienced the shift in climate research, from science to political propaganda - he even had two papers published that were the direct cause of two editors being sacked the next day! That's the level they go to to shut up honesty and bury the truth.

Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.
Carbon is not an evil.
Carbon credits are a tax on life itself.
Just say NO!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


say you need an accuracy of one to three degrees over a hundred years you have to have an unbelievably finely tuned model at an extremely high level of resolution and then with the difficulties in modeling fluid dynamics it isn't even
obvious that you could do it.

No! They fail to hit the nail on the head. Weather, and climate, is a complex dynamical system and hence has a fractal chaotic structure and hence cannot be predicted over just a few days, never mind decades!!

watch the weather model.

Lorenz thought it was some computer bug or software error, but it was neither - it was mathematical chaos!

This is also the source of the "butterfly effect"; that one tiny change in one parameter may cause the system to evolve totally differently to the previous version.

JP is falling for the deterministic delusion - if only we could have more accurate starting data then our models would give better predictions - not true, because a system can be deterministic AND unpredictable over long periods. The words deterministic and predictable are NOT synonymous in mathematical physics.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A vital comment by JP near the end, about those who think they can get away with pretending to believe total bollox just to get on.

you can't falsify the word, your words, without falsifying your thinking, because your words construct your perceptions, and so if you kowtow to the teacher's ideology [...] you can't get away with it. You'll falsify your own psyche.

... and become as disconnected and fractured as most everyone else.