Shackled minds - group think - sacked for telling the truth

in climate •  3 years ago 

When is a banker not a banker? When they tell the truth.

The climate change rhetoric is nothing new, AKA global warming. The first mention I can find is around 1900 ish. Wealthy well connected people make money from selling fear, and so it is that the climate change scam will never go away, no matter what real statistics say.
If you watch the above video & note what has happened to this truth speaking banker (immediate suspension that leads to dismissal) it mirrors what has happened for 2 years to every scientist, doctor or anyone else in a qualified position that went on record stating there is and was no pandemic.
Including the lady solicitor I spoke about yesterday.

The people that inflict this fate on people are the "group think" people.
They know it is wrong, the data, the science but because more powerful people than them are peddling the fear, they play along at any cost.

Mass formation psychosis and all.

I have noted the same fate befalls professors and or teachers that speak out about anything they consider is not fit for purpose regards any and all subjects, when they take a correct stance based on logic, principles and ethics they are dismissed and ridiculed, no matter if they are 100% correct.
This group think logic is what makes the thought- box a box, nobody being allowed to think outside said box or else!

I have watched Graham Hancock, a facebook friend, renowned writer/author of many books, real life Indiana Jones suffer the same fate for decades, until a few years ago, he proposed an extinction level event occurred via a meteor impact around 10,000 years ago.
At one point he was getting so much bot abuse online it made him ill for a year.
His theory you see went against what professors teach, it broke the mould, and when you have thousands of professors that would be proven to have taught incorrect history, they will at any cost ridicule him to make what they wrongly taught somehow right, because people do not like admitting they were wrong, no matter the level of regurgitate repeat qualifications they have.

"break the mold
To depart from a traditional pattern; to defy convention."

Although he was proven correct when proof of said event was found via impact damage in the earths crust.
Now he and his theory are an accepted standard and taught, but you see this is the problem we have, people do not like change, or at times the truth,, not if the majority believe what they think is right, but is wrong, is right, just because everyone else says it is.

"The Evidence for the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis."


I tend to gravitate towards people who think outside the box.

Nothing good comes from thinking inside a box, nothing new neither.

Mass hysteria is easy to manipulate, just keep repeating the same thing over and over again and people will believe it.
And this brings me back to the start, climate change.

The name was changed from global warming as that cannot be proved by data, but the climate can change from moment to moment, rain, then no rain, 16c then 18c, then 17c, then 6c all in the same day.
It is easy to call someone a climate change denier due to the above, but impossible to call them a global warming denier due to statistical charts.

If you research green energy, it makes no sense, it costs more, and does not last long, take a wind turbine for instance, average lifespan 20 years, they do not pay for themselves and then end up being buried as it costs more to recycle them than it is worth in raw material. Hardly green is it?

If we want to truly make life on this planet better, then the largest polluter needs to end forever, war!

But there is so much money to make via war it will never end.
The moral to this story is think outside the box, no matter the cost, life is short, live it with values, following the crowd is mundane to say the least, think outside the box, as the box is a trap.

Green energy is a bankers scam, it makes money, and is a political bargaining tool, but real life application of green energy in places like Canada prove beyond all reasonable doubt, all it does is cost the end consumer more, as it costs more to make electricity via alleged "green" energy.
The UK tried to run on clean energy for a day, a lot of places had power cuts due to that experiment, but will people learn? Not if it makes useless money they will not.

Have a superb weekend, and speak your truth.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is yet another scam to indoctrinate people into accepting a worse and worse life.

The only salvation now is to unleash numerous zero-point devices. Steven Greer has this part right - it cannot be done in the usual private patented way, as everyone who has tried has been killed. It has to be done en masse and open source - they can still make money on the actual devices! Problem is, investors still want to make a gazillion dollars for "saving humanity".

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Indeed it is a scam. There is no money to be made with free electric, look what happened to Tesla when he wanted to do it, Wardenclyffe Tower burned to the ground, and funding cut off, olus dismissed as a lunatic.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That was JP Morgan's response - if I can't put a meter on it, I don't care - and, oh yeah, I'll destroy you too!
I dislike Edison too - the stunt he pulled on Tesla... I'd have electrocuted him! As an industrial accident, of course. lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think that the climate on this Earth has always been changing . . .
Like don't tell me it was meant to be the same always.
Cause there is no such thing. . .its like seasons.
I do think that the "seasons of Earth" in itself is always changing. But in a much slower pace, therefore we can not remember.
Things meant to change.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Not according to politicians, Bill Gates and all the WEF/Davos attendees, the end is nigh unless they tax us more, slap me harder daddy please logic.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh I see a Will Smith bitch slap came into play, did you see it? It was a scene from an old movie, played out in two movies in fact.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

LoL, i was gonna put here the will smiths slap, but then i was like, this is more classy 😅😂🤣

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Might have to do some mushed banana face mask to make a a good meme here 😅🤣😂

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Lol, make a change from mushy peas 😂

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Will smith slap, compare it to this, no difference

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Boooo, of course it was staged. . .would have surprised me if it wasnt. Although i didn't pay much attention to the whole thing. . .

In the seventies they were warning of the coming global cooling.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Indeed, grand solar minimum, and it is happening for sure.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You may enjoy this one

You can already see the destruction of this path, as they have robbed men of their strength and in many ways outlawed it. Now that they have separated men in many cases from their children and from children in general in public settings chaos has been the result. With an ever growing amount of dysfunction and decay in all aspects.

Many of the weak males that have been molded to be such over the last several decades will celebrate trading their rights to anything if they can be given an illusion that they will be cared for. Little do they know that if there is even any care taken, it will be short lived as the useless slaves are not desired by those who farm mankind. History bares this out, as well as the cycles of war. Although I have often thought the reverse on war, that it is a way for them to kill off bloodlines of heroic men so their will be no offspring multiplying to challenge their demands.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I remember when it was called global warming and eventually they changed it to climate change as that cover's everything.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

But, but, but the ozone layer, what ever happened to that scamdemic?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In my understanding, the ozone layer is seasonal, so at times it'll appear thinner than at other times, something that scientists didn't know 30 odd years ago. Not so much a scamdemic, but scientists not really understanding how the ozone layer worked. Arguably though, it it wasn't for the Montreal Protocol, it WOULD have got worse - or perhaps everyone just got it wrong too, who fucking knows what to believe anymore.

Science IS questioning - it pisses me off when people say 'don't question the science' - as that is what science IS!!! We need dissenting voices and dialogue to truly undrestand what's going on.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Indeed we do, and politicians saying "trust the science" for 2 years is the most unscientific thing I have ever heard, so I ignored them and got on with my life.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It bugged me to tears. Even family were saying it. I was like.. what happened to your minds??? It totally flummoxed me.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Mass hypnosis via TV.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If we want to truly make life on this planet better, then the largest polluter needs to end forever, war!

YEs, no one talks about that when they're talking green. They have a go at BTC for not being green and dont mention the war machine - infuriates me.

I still don't KNOW about climate change to be honest, and that's okay, to NOT KNOW. In my mind, it can't hurt to do things to address it, BUT as long as it's done logically and without greed and profit in mind - the greenwashing which is reprehensively misleading. With modern industry, including the use of chemicals in agriculture, I can't see how it HASN'T affected climate - but even if it hasn't, it certainly affects the environment. I think of how pesticides kill all that bacteria in the soil and we know that bacteria impact rainfall, so, you know - if we're experiencing more drought, could it be - um, pesticides? Hands up Big Ag.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

"greenwashing" The German bank Deutsche Bank was raided for that yesterday, fraud and overstating green products use and effectiveness.

Even though we have a farm, we use NO pesticides full stop, crops still grow, we are not willing to spray food with an ingredient that is not safe to drink.