London at 40 ☀️

in climate •  2 years ago 


Today we will record the highest temperature in London since records began. I'm quite sure it's been hotter on this island before, but it the demographic was probably different back then - probably pre-Roman times.

The 41° C is, of course, regularly recorded every week in other parts of the world. The problem is that it's very unusual for this part of the world. Apart from the inhabitants not being used to this kind of heat, the infrastructure isn't designed to sustain it.

Bridges, for example, may collapse if this goes on for too long. Other critical infrastructure may also stop functioning as designed. When engineers build structures like bridges, they account for temperature variations. These temperatures were probably not thought likely (or even possible) in the UK when these things were put up.

The modern bridges will be fine, since they were built in the last 20 years and employ new technology and modern materials. They were also built for a broader range of temperatures. So the "wobbly bridge", or "Millennium Bridge" should take all this in their stride, 😌, but Hammersmith, Chelsea and other such vintage structures may not fair so well. So much so that the government has moved to cover at least one of them in foil. Yep. Foil. I guess that's to reflect the heat away and keep the bridge from overheating.

We also had a power cut, albeit for less than five minutes, but that NEVER usually happens here. Not without prior notice anyway since it'd normally be intentional - to carry out emergency repairs. That, or due to a storm or something.

Anyway, like I said before in a post from years ago when we last saw this temperature level (the last record heat in 2019), the fastest route to 3rd World status for the UK is sustained 40 degree weather. With the system already struggling under the weight of the collapsing economy and health crisis, and the shadow of Putin's threats, the situation is even more delicate now than ever.

Ade. ☀️

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you

I’m still actually sleeping with a duvet crazily

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Omg, me too!
Its so funny, cause no matter how hot it is, I like having a duvet. . .its like being in a cocoon,lol.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

neither are you haha.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well, you should have realized that far before the duvet information 😅😂🤣

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

🤣🤣 🤣🤣 🤣🤣


Neither are you killed me 🤣

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

🤣🤣 LOL 🤣🤣.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're not normal though 😅

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Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Much appreciated

Isn’t it tmrw that’s 40? I actually adore this weather it’s amqzinf and perfect I would love to have this every day although obviously we would install more air con but it does make you lazier !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

LOL. It was 40 in some parts of the country. 42-42 tomorrow.

I went for a long walk this afternoon on the empty streets and parks. I saw some Jamaicans just chilling haha. I saw an elderly African couple in wearing coats 😂.

Yeah I love it too. .. but sleeping is annoying without AC

I think it’s just getting used to it I could easily take this kind of temp if I had air con at home and if it was this weather for more than two days I would for sure be buying a £60 version from amazon haha cause it’s not that productive for working and fans are useless

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I found a plastic amazon junk one my mum bought ages ago and abandoned with me because it was crap. It's basically a humidifier and fan unit. You have to put ice cubes in it and it blows "cool" air. It's so rubbish I'm better of with a standing fan 😂

I’m getting out Tmrw it’s too hot to stay in all day worry about Lilith tho

God, it's so hot there! I never imagined that the heat could affect the bridges, they seem so resistant to everything...
I hope that soon the tempurara decline over there, that is not good for health, here when the heat is very strong headaches and high blood pressure abound in people.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's like Venezuela here today. Even the wind is warm like the tropics. Luckily I do have fans (No AC sadly), but I like it. I also have a garden to sit in. :D. I'm even drinking hot coffee haha. I was sitting outside with my hoodie on. My neighbours think I'm mad.


Oh God I couldn't wear a sweatshirt in such intense heat, hahaha that's why I don't like the heat, with the cold you keep warm and it feels good but with the heat you don't even take off all your clothes, it's good that you have a garden to take advantage of the breeze, although it must be hot too.
Here the atmosphere is very cool, yesterday it rained all day, thank God today it's not raining, it's my eldest daughter's graduation and we have to be there at 8:30 am, the weather is nice at the moment.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

LOL. Yeah even the wind is warm. I don't really wear this in the heat. I was recording a video so I put it on for the look haha.
Congratulations to your daughter 🎓

thank you 😊

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I can’t lie I am loving it a proper summer at last, kinda hoping out bridges hold up tho 🤣 I wouldn’t rly mind phones going honestly we could do with a cleanse. It’s hard to get motivated tho hence why hot countries have tons of half finished buildings for like ever 🤣

I like summer, but I don't like that it's so hot, here sometimes it's 39 degrees and it's horrible, I don't like it. Our climate is tropical, so we don't have winter with snow, today is a rainy day, and it makes me very sleepy hahaha.

Posted from

I think it’s about that temp here today I do love it but it would be much better with aircon I mean it’s hard to get motivated. I’m just gonna go out tmrw to nature as I’m hardly achieving anything at home

Yes, in those cases it causes having the air conditioning installed in one to move anywhere and feel fresh, hahaha. We only have air conditioning in the sleeping room and when it is very hot it causes me to be alone in that room and not go out all day.
I hope that today the weather is more pleasant there in your country, although I already read in the news that flights have been suspended due to the heat.
Here at the moment we are at 22 degrees. Very nice today.

Posted from

Like 28-30 ish is my ideal I don’t mind a few of these super hot days tho as I do love that it makes you warm to the bones and the evenings are so enjoyable. I was born in the wrong country I know been wanting to move to a hot one for a long time! 22 is way too cold for me for a summer

you're right, the apocalypse hasn't come yet, it's not long before that. Maybe now you like it better here where I am... it's 31 degrees.

Posted from

Your right tho 41 or whatever is rly hot here I think it’s cause it’s so humid it defo felt way way way too much.

I think ppl here are just trying to scare everyone tbh it’s rly just a very hot day. Sure we are not used to it so can make you feel a bit dizzy and our houses etc are not rly built for it is the biggest issue, built to keep heat in not out lol but it’s not some kind of apocalypse... I mean Brit’s go away for this kind of weather every year.

Right now I’m sat having coffee in a cafe. The world hasn’t ended 🤣😱


I think just in my bedroom would be enough. I couldn’t even leave the door open last night as some foreign cat came on my balcony and mine isn’t good with other cats I defo didn’t sleep much haha but yeah just a nice cool bedroom would be enough. I think 80 s is my ideal temp