Unshackled minds - white christmas

in christmas •  3 years ago  (edited)


A Polish xmas indeed and a white one.

The few on here that have known me since 2016 and steemit days, know I am from England.
My life since I left southern Spain 7 years ago has been in Poland, I bought a farm and some apartments here, and settled in as my wife is Polish, which makes my daughter eligible for either British or Polish residency as she was born in Birmingham UK.
I awoke at 5 AM to draw back the curtain to see a blanket of snow, something my daughter loves very much.
I am not such a big fan, but a fast car helps me enjoy it around the lanes, as nobody else drives there so I can drive how I want, and I do, rally style.

I first found out about a Polish xmas when I was in Thailand of all places. My ex girlfriend and father to my youngest son Ryan spent 3 years there with me. The first xmas eve she stormed off from my apartment overlooking Jomtien beach front.
She marched head first along the beach in tears, I had no idea what was wrong.

I set off to find her on my motorbike and found her within a few minutes. She was in floods of tears and I had no idea why.
When I managed to subdue her and keep her still, she explained that xmas eve, number 24, not 25, is as important or more important than number 25.
You see they lay out tables of food on number 24 and exchange gifts, share quality time with loved ones too. I never knew, I do now.

Number 6 in December is also a day for gifts for children, another thing I had no idea about.

If nobody tells you, how can you know?
I was brought up with number 25 being xmas and that was my lot, I used to order presents that my friends wanted, then swap my presents for motorbikes, nothing much has changed really.

Bank holiday.

So here I am on xmas eve with 6 inches of snow on the floor and all the shops closed.
There are other peculiarities about Poland, they seem to have a day for everything.
Names day, mothers day, fathers day, grandfather day, grand mother day, 3 xmas days 6, 24, 25.
The obvious new years eve, though unlike in Asia, it is the last day of January, not Songkran on April the 13th like in Thailand, great day if you like talcum powder and water, not a great day to ride a motorcycle though, everyone throws both at you, in Thailand. Seen many an accident caused that way in Thailand.

Do you celebrate xmas where you live?

My oldest sister was due to arrive here this year to stay at my farm, with her family, but they are refusing to be pricked, so that is not happening any time soon.

Here she is with her daughter, who was also supposed to be coming over, and me acting the idiot in the middle a couple of years ago at a wedding, I was best man :-)


Glad that was printed now, as I tend to lose all my memory cards one way or another, so at least I have that one in print format.

And so it is a mixed emotions xmas for me, one that should have been filled with laughter and fun, my mother was due to arrive with my stepfather too, but alas, they do not want the jibby jabby neither, so that is that.

4 shots people are on now in the UK, when they say you need another, the vax qr code expires if you do not comply, so the others you took now mean nothing.

Sad state of affairs is it not?

So there you go, that is my xmas, all my extended family are not allowed to come and stay with me for xmas, my daughter probably will never get to see any of them again, and my brother has to spend xmas alone, and my other sister. Planet lock-down!

It should have been 12 people staying over from the UK with me, but now it is not a single one.

Still we shall make the best of it we can, my wife, daughter, mother in law and I.

Wishing you a superb xmas, or holiday time, if you do not do xmas, or great day if you get neither.

Peace and out.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

2nd year for me on my own, never before in my life has this happened. My daughter even suggested I 'take one for the team' (a test she meant) but I won't even do that, hence I have never seen my 1st grandchild and now I won't get to see my 2nd grandchild (probably ever as her mum is a rabid vaxxer).
Hurry up and wake up world, bored of this already.
Sorry that's a bit miserable for a comment so also, lived in Vienna for 2 years and there they do everything on the 24th too. They also have this weird thing called Grampus which is quite demonic.

now I won't get to see my 2nd grandchild (probably ever as her mum is a rabid vaxxer).

I feel your pain. Here is a post I made 2 years ago on an argument I had with my son who advocates for forced vaccination. It's a horrible feeling to understand there is a battleground one has no choice but to stand on across from ones own child.


Read it and it made me sad too. I haven't had an argument with my son tho, he has just cut me off. I think he is going along with her to keep the peace but he doesn't know the agony his keeping quiet will bring him. I worry so much for his future pain watching his baby suffer knowing he did nothing to stop it.

I hate that so many men are spineless like that these days. They have turned the younger men into simps who will do anything, sacrifice anything to please whomever the current woman in their life is.

I remember when I got divorced the second time, there were stepchildren. A young adult daughter and a son that was in his final year of high school. After the divorce, I had two different women I had dated try to coerce me into stopping talking to them, and they were shown the curb.

While I'm not their dad, I was in a similar role with them for almost 5 years, and they were more than just some random kids to me. I fed them, was there for an operation on the daughter, took them to doctors and many other things.

As if I would discard them because I was being given subtle then not so subtle orders just because those women thought I would bow and serve them because of sex. Sadly, many women are power tripping these days because so many men are quick to cave and turn their backs on the things that matter the most because they were ordered to and they are slaves to their sexual desires.

It's pathetic.

I'm sorry that you have to deal with that, and be a helpless bystander in regards to that grandbaby.

Yes a lot of us women have noted the lack of 'real' men these days. Most of em are gay too. I'd love a masterful man but haven't met one lately.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Everyone in my family is vaccine intolerant apart from 1 of my sisters, she took the jab, then the second with the promise she could go on holiday, then the rules changed, and she could not all the same, so now she refuses to have any. I did warn her, she did not listen.

Sad world full of sold politicians, corrupt as they come, world over.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

"Hurry up and wake up world, bored of this already." Trying as hard as I can, invested a lot of effort and money into it, not looking to lose, never lost in my life, not willing to start now tgal. x

I only have maybe a week or so to save my grandchild but they've cut me off now :-(

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You can only do what you can do sis, children can be cruel, no matter how much time and love we pour into them.
And common sense is out of the window for most people since the rona hoax. x

My conscience is clear, I've tried, all I can do is be here for him. He knows I'm here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

tgal, 500 blurt for you on hive engine, merry xmas, I like your style.

Thanx for the xmas pressie. xxx

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are welcome tgal, enjoy. x

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I laughed out loud at this comment!

I used to order presents that my friends wanted, then swap my presents for motorbikes, nothing much has changed really.

I wish you Merry Christmases, both.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cheers my brother from another mother, have a superb Xmas.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

The Netherlands where i come from has 6 December , it's called Sinterklaas , a day where all kid's get their present's ,.. could be compared with Santa , and Coca Cola even used Sinterklaas to model Santa Claus . Last years the woke culture is canceling 6 December because the companion of Sinterklaas is a black face man ,.. black from climbing down the chimney . Woke culture confused it with slavery and racism . ,... goodbye old tradition where children got spoiled just one day in the year .
25 and 26 are the days the Dutch celebrate Christmas .
But now i am in Norway ,.. where today is Christmas , probably because good oll Santa will be to busy on the 25th with the rest of the world . ;-)

Wishing you a very good time to friend . :-)


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Lovely to get to hear about different countries.
Go woke go broke.

Hope you have some company over there to share a glass of wine with, I will raise a glass to you all the same, have a superb time brother from another mother.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I had a most wonderful and tasty good dinner with the president , the first lady , their children and some other inhabitants from Liberstad . Small but nice ,.. the big party comes at the 31th .

Compared to the situation in the Netherlands where i came from ,.. i am not lonely at all . I took most December free of work , making fun fixing and riding snow mobiles and ATV's , and just plainly relaxing myself . I have enough city-coin to do so , and have the freedom to do so to . Life is beautiful .

Cheers mate , enjoy your joyful togetherness on these days . :-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sounds superb, glad it is working out for you brother.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thought was 6th of january, not dec - that's Epiphany!
I recall it was celebrated when I was a kid in Italy - double presents!
Strange mythos in Italy, where the good witch distributes gift on Epiphany - and bad kids get a lump of coal!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Nope 6th December here, and I could do with some lumps of coal, cost me double for a tonne this year compared to last year.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

6 Dec in the Netherlands ,.. the lump of coal is the same .
Sinterklaas or St'Nicolas , if translated to more global understood language .
Where old dutch history claim's it to be based on the Bishop of Myra from old Turkey .
But that could be just later added by the local roman catholic church .

Interesting how those old traditions somehow connect .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes we celebrate Christmas in Australia, Merry Christmas mate to you and family. Sad times many are not able to catch up with friends and family this year.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

2nd year now, as we wait for the masses to play "catch up" to the scamdemic. Merry xmas buddy.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks mate.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
