Where is your Confidence

in christian •  3 years ago 

Happy weekend #blurt, it's great to be part of this great project.

The world is fast changing, Alots are happening, people who you thought wouldn't change finally changes. It is very clear that people and nothing can be trusted.

The only remedy is looking unto our maker, God Himself. Putting all you confidence in Him.


Confidence in the Lord, changes everything; it anchors our hearts firmly in hope. It gives wings to our dreams and delight to the wait. Confidence, the sweet reward of experience, can make our modest beginnings grow into mighty endings. Lynn Cowell put it like this:

“Unshakable confidence is not built on someone, something or someplace,
but on our unshakable God.”

Caleb was one of the spies that Moses sent to check out the Promised Land. He and one other man (Joshua) were the only two men who believed God would do what He had said He would do. Because of his unshakable faith, he was promised a large piece of land when the Israelites would finally be able to enter the Promised Land. After 40 years of wandering and 5 years of fighting, Israel was finally able to settle in their new home. Caleb, now 85 years old, stands up and demands the land promised to him so long before. With confidence he declared, “I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then.” (Joshua 14:11) His prize for confidence in the Lord? … a land inhabited by a fierce and giant group of warriors. Even so, Caleb’s confidence never wains. He declared, “The Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as He said.” (Joshua 14:12b)

I don’t know about you, but I am very aware of my physical limitations. Every ache or pain that shoots through my body reminds me that I am not as strong today as the day I started out on this journey. Regardless, I am not done. As long as I have breath in my lungs, God still has a plan for my life. Some of the plans that I see unfolding before me make my knees weak. They will not be easy. They appear beyond my abilities. Thankfully, my confidence is not in my ability to succeed. My confidence is firmly in God’s ability to work through me for success. Whatever you face, do so with a firm confidence in God’s ability to part the waters and defeat the giants in your path. No mountain is too high; no path too rugged; that God will not prevail at what He has willed to be. Stand strong on that fact. Have faith…. have confidence in God’s ability to win through and in your life.


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