Living Out Our Salvation: A Call to True Discipleship.

in christ •  2 months ago 

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Along with teaching and modeling for us how to live for God, Jesus came to earth to bear the cost of our sins by giving his life as a ransom. Our redemption is a gift from God by trust in Jesus Christ, not something we merit. God gives each of us salvation. But in order to fully experience our salvation, we must make a commitment to live according to God's will and to collaborate with Jesus every day in order to give them respect and glory.

Accepting Jesus We must learn how to follow and become disciples of Jesus since he is our Lord. It took Jesus three years after he selected his twelve disciples to impart to them knowledge of God's will, compassion, forgiveness, and mercy, as well as how to live lives that honor and serve him. Jesus didn't turn away after asking them whether they still believed in him. He devoted his time to them on a daily basis in order to impart to them the knowledge of God's truth and to offer them an opportunity to encounter his kindness, forgiveness, grace, and power to endure death.

Believing in Jesus is not enough to be a sincere follower of him. Pray, study the Bible, and give thanks to God every day if you claim to be a follower of Christ. It is necessary for your words, deeds, and attitudes to reflect Christ. We are to live a life of commitment to God and bring him praise at all costs, as the Bible commands us.

Nobody knows anything that is written in the Bible from birth. Furthermore, we do not inherit God's unadulterated love or his idealistic standards for living. Too many of us have not learned as children the basic significance of the Bible or how to study it in order to live a well-being life that honors God, others, and ourselves. God alone can establish right and healthy standards for living through his morals and values.

People in despair can be seen all around the world. From all walks of life, we hear disdain, rage, and disapproval. Jesus is not being seen by the world, sadly, because a large number of people who identify as Christians do not study their Bibles or follow its teachings.

Professing Christians DO NOT behave, speak, or think like Christ. Due to persecution, a large number of Christians have chosen not to uphold the moral precepts provided in Scripture. Others have stoked conflict and division over matters that are beyond the purview of politics and policies since they are all rooted in sin. God's instructions and commands are broken if people do not know and follow his word to love others as they love themselves and to exhibit all the fruits of the spirit..

For us to be able to reach out to the lost, despairing, helpless, oppressed, and despaired, we need Jesus to live within of us. Following Jesus and living in accordance with worldly sins and their own wicked inclinations are mutually exclusive for Christ's followers. A "get-out-of-hell" free card is not all that accepting Jesus is. At all costs, you are making a lifelong commitment to serve and respect God.

You make the commitment to get to know him personally every day. To him, you give your undying faith, submission, and soul. Every day, I am grateful to Jesus for empowering my lifelong commitment to him through both our intimate relationship and his word. As a disciple, he assists me in growing, and he can also assist you.

You should be teaching others since you have been believers for such a long time. Rather, you require an instructor to re-teach you the fundamentals of God's word. You resemble infants who cannot consume solid food and just need milk. A person who only consumes milk is still a baby and is unable to make moral decisions. Solid food is reserved for adults who are capable of differentiating between right and bad due to their training. The disciples of Christ need to be careful not to get lazy, complacent, or quiet. Jesus and God ought to be everyday priorities for us, not just things to cross off our to-do list.

He has been dependable in my life, which is why I have faith and trust in him. He has never abandoned me and has given me so much knowledge that I can now support others going through similar difficult times. Because of what Jesus has done in my mind, heart, and life, I am positive that he will return for all of his disciples. It's all worth it since I'll spend eternity with God and Jesus in a beautiful paradise!

Through everything this damaged world throws at me, I choose to be his ever-learning student. I'll continue to concentrate on his incredible affection, which uplifts me. I'll try my best to live out Christ's teachings on love and salvation by imitating his behaviors, attitudes, and words. Everything will never be perfect for me. However, due of our personal friendship, Jesus is aware of my heart and my commitment. All he asks is that I give it my all and follow him.

What more can you promise than your mind, heart, soul, and life to serve and obey Christ when you decide to follow him as a disciple and consider what it cost him? If you identify as a Christian or follower of Christ, do your behaviors, attitudes, and statements support your claim?

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The name Jesus comes from the @Hebrew word “Yeshua”

In Hebrew the word Yeshua means “Salvation”

Truly, Jesus / Yeshua is our Salvation. Our Lord and our God.



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