Adverse Reactions - All I See in the News

in chrissky •  3 years ago 

I was looking through various feeds, and even in mainstream news, there was news about side effects from the vaccines. This is really coming to a critical mass now, and it doesnt make me want to take the vaccine anymore of less than I did months ago when I couldn't get the answers to these questions, which I need to be informed to consent to the vaccine.

This issue is really aggravating me as I have missed out on a few things in life due to not taking the vaccine, and some doctors think my nature immunity is better than vaccination. It would be nice to finally have some answered since my basic human rights have been violated daily for over 2 years now.

Questions that Must be Answered for Informed Consent

  • Is anyone who died past average life expectancy significant as a stat for mortality rates of covid?

  • Are the special measures taken to protect people like social distancing and masks actually necessary?

  • Is the PCR test accurate?

  • Why were medical definitions changed by the CDC during peak adverse reactions to vaccines?

  • Was it really a public health emergency, and does that emergency really justify experimenting on humans with never before tested on Humans medicine?

  • Why does the PCR generate False Positives if it is being used by public healthcare systems, and how much does cycle count due diligence by medical staff imply culpability for health care professions in claims of manipulating a medical device? Is it accurate enough to be considered a medical device?

  • Why did the CDC lie to the public about their preconceived knowledge of the potential for adverse reactions from covid-19 vaccination?

  • Does Bill Gates want to reduce the world population using vaccines?

  • Why are Klaus Schwab & The Pope both globalist shills for a one world government?

  • Who is Mr. Global and why does Klaus Schwab love Mr. Global so much?

  • Why are these psychopaths and sociopaths allowed to keep their jobs and roles at the UN?

All of this madness has made no sense for over 2 years now, I really do not have answers for what I thought should be easy to answer questions for a doctor. I wont accept a non objective truth as an answer to a question about something as serious as an injection. Especially from the companies with track records like Pfizer, Modern and the W.H.O. There was no reason to trust them in the first place because there is no benefit of the doubt to give companies that have major conflicts of interest.

The adverse reactions aside I have learnt nothing that has increased my confidence in the vaccine. I have asked a few off duty nurses if they think antibody enhancement is possible as well, but they do not give me a very clear response as to why they feel its not possible. They obviously haven't seen any tests or been given a reference about this issue, which would take time and studies to find the answers too.

Looking into the risks of antibody enhancement may cost more than developing the vaccine, I imagine it would be expensive and is why not much interest has been shown in this kind of study.


Sources and insight about the adverse reactions that have no answers. When will we see the full picture, and lawfully be able to consent to a Covid vaccine?

Adverse Reactions

Ula A Canadian Who Died from the mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine

This video is being censored all over the internet. Download and share it everywhere you can. Support Ula and get the message out about the corruption in the state lying about her death to protect the "safe & effective" narrative.


Ula's family talks with Chris Sky:

Lost Her 17 Year Old Daughter After Vaccination

Took the vaccine because she didn't want to wear a mask at work anymore, now cant use her arms or legs.



Vaccine Injury Support in Canada from Ula's Family

This video is being censored all over the internet. Download and share it everywhere you can. Support Ula and get the message out about the corruption in the state lying about her death to protect the "safe & effective" narrative.


Chris Sky Offers Vaccine Injury Victims Support:

Australian Mainstream News Reports 79,000 Adverse Reactions

This is in mainstream news... Not a conspiracy theory that adverse reactions may occur, some people really like living in a hole...


At Least 79,000 Adverse Reactions in Australia:

Dr. Soumya Swaminathan Chief Scientist of W.H.O. Caught Lying at the United Nations

There is obviously no reason to believe the W.H.O. which has so many conflicts of interest I no longer question why Trump defunded them...


W.H.O. Caught Lying at the United Nations:

#CovidVaxExposed Playlist:

Covid-19 SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Anti-Autocratic Resources:

Soul Sherpa Society PPSR:

Enlightened to a Grim Reality by Romania's European Member of Parliament Cristian Terheș:

Where it All Started, footage from 2020

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  


It is very difficult to answer your questions. I have taken both doses and I have not faced any side effects yet. It has been like 3 months.

I will keep you guys updated if I ever see any reactions.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks, family members of mine are vaccinated too and will do the same, the main issue I have is with the lack of good information from a common stream, we need better access to our health officials and their records.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think you already know the answer to your own questions, just a hunch. :-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah well i have a hunch it will be 2026 before I stop wonder what the answers are to these questions.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Although I do not know the correct answer to many questions. However, we have a lot of complications with corona virus.
I am concerned about the effectiveness of the vaccine. Because my aunt was infected with the corona virus after receiving the vaccine. And he's dead.
Social distance and masks cannot give us security from covid.
I am also skeptical about the veracity of the PCR test.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Please do update Blurt if you find anything out