Spotted Dove - Streptopelia chinensis

in chinensis •  2 years ago 

When one sees and thinks of a dove, one usually imagines a cute little white bird.

Pigeons are often used in relinquishment ceremonies at weddings, funerals and other public celebrations. The dove is a symbol of love, peace and as a messenger.

The symbolism of the messenger comes from when pigeons were used as carriers with pigeons, as they could return home if released within a radius of 600 miles.




Pigeon Meeting and Omen

When you find a dove, it is a very positive good sign, representing compassion for oneself and others, hope and confidence, a sense of balance, peace and deeper understanding.

Seeing a dove can also be a symbol of personal connection with one's own intuition and seeking a sense of truth.

As doves represent the Divine, so they represent letting that divine love into life.


But there is more to the symbolism of the dove than its use as a messenger. The following is the Spiritual meaning and Symbolism of the Pigeon as reported by YourTango.

Apart from being a symbol of peace and love, the dove symbolizes purity, hope, the Holy Spirit, devotion and tenderness.

These domesticated birds are known to be monogamous with their mates, for their gentle demeanor and as a symbol of navigation, for their ability to convey messages, a practice that has been traced back to 3000 BC in Ancient Egypt.

Pigeons are also associated with the third chakra, which is connected to purpose, creativity, self-expression and ego.

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