
in china •  4 years ago 

If China is able to install Biden, leftists will be going door to door grabbing conservatives. Many will be imprisoned and some will be executed, you have been warned. You will not be able to run and hide. Well, Mike Adams says Trump is in Texas and Alex Jones says Trump is in the White House. But I really don't know. Are we not trying to stop China from installing Biden? Guess who was behind the original Patriot Act in 1995 which didn't pass until October of 2001. It was Joe Biden. They're trying to pass a new and improve Patriot Act on Domestic Terrorists right now to get the Jan6 Americans who were at DC.

Basketball Analogy

I believe in fighting, in trying, until the end of the game, to use a basketball analogy, even if I was down by 20 points with 5 seconds to go, I would be like Reggie Miller. My advice to Trump at the very least is to give a minimum of one really good farewell address ASAP similar to the one Eisenhower gave, if we can't stop China from installing Biden, at the very least, I encourage people to pressure Trump this direction at the very least, if nothing else, this would be my emphasis, I would share this with everybody I know each day, it's now or never.

14th Amendment - Inversion of reality as they're guilty of what they reflect or deflect onto others from their own mirror.

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2021-01-10 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-01-10 - Sunday | Published in January of 2021

Mark and Jack for Prison Xf2l1p7RWH.jpeg

Mark and Jack For Prison

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.


You Cannot Watch Forbidden News

If China is able to install Biden, leftists will be going door to door grabbing conservatives. Many will be imprisoned and some will be executed, you have been warned. You will not be able to run and hide.

FBI should expose Antifa, BLM, Qanon, and bad cops who let them in on Jan6, a false flag, a failed terrorist attack, organized by leftists, Democrats, globalists, and others.

Guess who was behind the original Patriot Act in 1995 which didn't pass until October of 2001. It was Joe Biden. They're trying to pass a new and improve Patriot Act on Domestic Terrorists right now to get the Jan6 Americans who were at DC.

Election News

We can stop the steal and save the republic one oatmeal at a time

If China is able to install Biden, leftists will be going door to door grabbing conservatives. Many will be imprisoned and some will be executed, you have been warned. You will not be able to run and hide.


@WinyanStazWakien Well, Mike Adams says Trump is in Texas and Alex Jones says Trump is in the White House. But I really don't know.

I believe in fighting, in trying, until the end of the game, to use a basketball analogy, even if I was down by 20 points with 5 seconds to go, I would be like Reggie Miller.

Lockdown News

Covid Pandemic Lockdown is murdering millions to billions of people

Are we not trying to stop China from installing Biden?

Be Ready For Jan20

If the U.S. Marines are sent to take back Washington DC, then the thousands of National Guards troops, who are loyal to Virginia governor Northam, may back down. However, at the same time, another false flag event, similar to the Jan6 storming of the capitol, is scheduled for Jan20, Antifa will be dressed up as militia and will attack the capitol and then blame it all on Trump again.

Covid News

You can defeat Covid and other things via essential vitamins

If China is able to install Biden, leftists will be going door to door grabbing conservatives. Many will be imprisoned and some will be executed, you have been warned. You will not be able to run and hide.

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Are we not trying to stop China from installing Biden?

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

Are we not trying to stop China from installing Biden?

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Are we not trying to stop China from installing Biden?


Follow and contact me on Facebook @JoeyArnoldVN

Are we not trying to stop China from installing Biden?

My Advice to Trump

My advice to Trump at the very least is to give a minimum of one really good farewell address ASAP similar to the one Eisenhower gave, if we can't stop China from installing Biden, at the very least, I encourage people to pressure Trump this direction at the very least, if nothing else, this would be my emphasis, I would share this with everybody I know each day, it's now or never.

You enjoy how China is taking over America while installing Biden?


Follow and tweet me on Twitter @greenoatmeal

If China is able to install Biden, leftists will be going door to door grabbing conservatives. Many will be imprisoned and some will be executed, you have been warned. You will not be able to run and hide.

Why are there blackouts in the Vatican, in Italy?

"It's just Alex Jones"
"It's just 14 days"
"It's just to keep you safe"
"It's just a mask"
See how that works?

“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard!” -
January 6, 2021

Joe Biden be like

In 10 days, we go to take your guns.

Are we not trying to stop China from installing Biden?

Is Trump giving up?

Trump needs to know people are trying to kill him, his family, his supporters, meaning he can't run away to some secret island to live the rest of his life at, and blood is on his hands, he'll have to live with that regret forever.

I would emphasize not only on exposing Jan6 but in exposing the crimes of Biden which I imagine means Biden is disqualified therefore from being constitutionally and legally eligible to be a U.S. President, ever, period. Everyone in the world must understand this.

That is done on the DNS level which means you would have to find alternative DNS and ISP services, as in reroute your Internet traffic, how you translate IP addresses into domain names, the protocols and systems used therein.


Watch and chat with me on YouTube @JoeyArnold7

Banned On Minds

I was banned on Minds and had to make a new account. I was copying and pasting my own messages too much which they call spamming and I call broadcasting manually.

Other Websites

Write to me on other sites

If Brighteon and National News is down, go directly to the IP at

Stopping China From Installing Biden

02:35 PM - Hive Blog

Exactly and I would emphasize not only on exposing Jan6 but in exposing the crimes of Biden which I imagine means Biden is disqualified therefore from being constitutionally and legally eligible to be a U.S. President, ever, period. Everyone in the world must understand that Biden must be arrested.

Stopping China

06:00 PM - Hive

Does Trump have enough military to save us from a Chinese takeover as leftists install Biden as a remote puppet agent of China?

Watch Comments

See the Watch Log for more info


2021-01-10 - Sunday - 02:30 AM - 03:11 AM - Vikings 618

They arrive at the ever green seagul full Iceland, find fresh water, berries. They make a nice gift basket for the Indians on Greenland or maybe they're in Alaska. Indians replaced them with new ones, like a trade. Later on, first contact with the white face paint Indians. Meanwhile, Iva plans to cripple the Englishmen back in Europe somewhere.

Wil Paranormal


Guess who was behind the original Patriot Act in 1995 which didn't pass until October of 2001. It was Joe Biden. They're trying to pass a new and improve Patriot Act on Domestic Terrorists right now to get the Jan6 Americans who were at DC.

Pete Santilli

04:29 PM - EP 2270-6PM Nancy Pelosi Tried To Orchestrate A Military Coup Against Trump

distinction between DELETING and HIDING

I post on HIVE BLOG each day

HIVE BLOG does NOT have censorship

Alex Jones got rid of Millie Weaver because of Tore

Tore is saying Ali hijacked Stop The Steal but I thought he created it in 2018.

Health Ranger

05:49 PM - Situation Update, Jan. 10, 2021 - Trump's final window of opportunity rapidly closing - Brighteon

If the U.S. Marines are sent to take back Washington DC, then the thousands of National Guards troops, who are loyal to Virginia governor Northam, may back down. However, at the same time, another false flag event, similar to the Jan6 storming of the capitol, is scheduled for Jan20, Antifa will be dressed up as militia and will attack the capitol and then blame it all on Trump again.

Banned Video


President Biden, why are you a wanted felon in Ukraine, do you plan on visiting Ukraine any time soon?

Watch Log

I've been watching the following

Banned Video


Sunday Night Live


Dear diary, sleep from from 03:11 AM to 08:00 AM. I got up to an alarm as usual. But woke up not sure what day it was. It took me a second to remember it's Sunday. Hey, let me in first. I mean, an invitation, turn off the water. Ok. No problem. What is it with touching to the shoulder, that much taller, I'm not a woman. Speaking of, none from earlier. Oh, so, that's not a bad thing but a good thing on several levels. Orange and coffee for breakfast. I put on an extra coat because I'm cold. Sunday school was on Romans 5. Christianity is unique to other religions not just in the aspects of Ephesians 2:8-9, that is is by grace through faith, but also that Christ comes into the believer to help them which means an inside-out revolution while other religions can be more an outside-in kind of thing. Nap around 03:00 PM for like an hour or two, maybe between 2 and 4. Dishes around 04:40 PM to 05:16 PM. I've been praying more and more these past few days I think and especially like today I was praying not just for Trump and others but for Mike Flynn to somehow get enough patriots in the military to stop China from installing Joe Biden. I was praying for four more years before things may get really bad. Or at least one more month. I can see globalists and others killing Trump even if we can stop Biden who is not allowed to be President of America. I like blockchain. Bad stuff is already online. It is evidence to crimes. Lock them up. Decentralized code is better. I'm going to try Clout Hub. Nap around like 10:00 PM to midnight.

Why are there millions of dead animals showing up all over the world, all kinds of animals washing up on beaches, found in forests, fish, other kinds of animals, in the 2010s especially, what is happening?


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