Shackled minds - the blue whale challenge

in children •  2 years ago 


If you have children please read this.

A young girl killed herself nearby last week and she was only 14 years young.
She was taking part in what is known as the blue whale challenge.

There was another teen girl 13 that died last month too playing this game that is aimed at 10 - 15 year old girls.
Apparently it was this man Ilya Sidorov that invented the game from his sick mind.

The 13 year old even made her own grave on a game called minecraft and stated what date she was going to die, she hung herself the day she stated.

The local 14 year old died of asphyxiation after putting a bag over her head and taping it to her neck. She was only meant to try passing out but had no friend on hand to remove the bag when she did pass out.

The final challenge on this game of 50 challenges is suicide.

This is one of the reasons I do not allow my 10 year old daughter to have any form of social media. We also do not let her play games online where strangers can talk to her.
A lot of children the same as some adults - have addictive personalities, another reason why we set a 15 minute daily timer to my daughters phone games.

I could not find a blue whale photo so you get a look at my blue bike instead.

Please take care of your young one's and shield them from online challenges like this and vile things like squid game.
A lot of youngsters here are talking about the latter, why parents would let 5 - 9 year olds watch that is beyond me.

This is a short article but why do 10,000 when 1000 will do.

Have a superb day and take care of your loved one's.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Same here - my kid's in-laws think I'm odd, but they have no say - any device gets confiscated. I am quite calm in telling those people that they are retarded simians that should never have come down from the trees.

We will hopefully soon move into a new house - I already plan to remove the wifi and run ethernet cables - luckily the routers still come with ether sockets!

It isn't just social scum, but also emf scum. The only way to avoid the microwaves is to live in a stone house - or, quite funny and possibly unfeasible, to build walls of water!! yes, 5G hates water - coz it heats it - just like all the water in a human body.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Suicide cults are the ultimate in total retard obedience.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They target confused children by the looks of it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Kinda interesting how this dovetails with my Bukowski poem - posted before even reading this post.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Someone sent me this today on Hive, I was reading it over breakfast, Henry Ford and his book about Jews, some interesting views to say the least.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

By random, I landed at the Kol Nidre.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I noted it but did not have time to read it, will do in the PM when I have spare time.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The best way to make my daughter behave is to take her electronic toys off her including the phone and limit use of ALL of them, including her new laptop, the latter is for her to learn how to code and do digital art, 2 things she has exams for this year. She keeps begging to have a game on it "roboblox" or something like that but then the coding would go out of the window.

The walls at the farm are 18 inches thick luckily and surrounded with trees so I can not pick up a single other persons router wifi signal full stop.

Good luck with the move.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I was thinking this had something to do with riding blue motorcycles. That wouldn't be so bad. There are not enough young healthy people on earth. We don't need less of them. We need more. Minecraft is a game meant for children to build their dreams not their nightmares. Keeping stuff away from kids helps to a certain point but what helps even more is developing reason and values to make correct choices. That reasoning is not developed at age ten but somewhere between 8-12 a child is challenged with a crazy world. They need to know we are there for them.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Right, as a parent, one needs to understand and teach the why! Kids follow what they see, not what they are told - so bad news for all the hypocrite parents out there! I have taught for many years and most children's problems come from their genetic donors.

I taught my kid from when she was very young that the internet is like being on stage - so you need to have a character ;-) not really you, just nearly you, so you don't confuse yourself! School never teaches that simple trick.

I also taught her that 99% of accounts are scum - that also helped. Online school was a bummer as it forced kids onto the net - no longer, we're out of that trap now.

In essence, it is bad to refuse things coz it then makes them attractive. Like parents who have a healthy diet yet bring out the toxicola and MSG-snacks as a treat! wtf is that about!? A treat for my kid is to be taken to a sushi bar or a real Italian pizzeria :-)

So, I'd advise to teach the skills of discernment, of logic, of disbelief - of self-protection. And, she knows all this coz she can see me do the same.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Self reflection helps but can only go so far.

the internet is like being on stage - so you need to have a character ;-) not really you, just nearly you,

I live that way online, but I never had those exact words to describe it. My kids are mostly content consumers. I talk to them about the shows they watch an the content. We get into deep issues.

I didn't spend much time online at home until corona. Since quarantine I ended up watching things with my kids and we had a lot to discuss.

a sushi bar or a real Italian pizzeria

This is a real treat. Luckily the ordering system works well in Seoul. I still love dark chocolate.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

lol. I drummed that into my kid as a mantra from forever:
not really you, just nearly you!

I did that myself from the early net - created personas across platforms so it appeared to be a real person. Can't be totally fake, just fake enough to leave no real tracks.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

True that.
My daughter plays minecraft for 15 minutes a day but like you allude to, she has made a nice world on there, not a graveyard. I guess some parents leave their children to it and never look what they are doing in games and online.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I understand the temptation get a device to babysit. I have seen the results first hand in relatives and also at school. Those machines are tools not babysitters (I mean the tablets not the teachers).

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Right, and I've seen this with rich parents - they are just as zombified as everyone else and leave their kids to the maid or nanny or driver or... a phone. All it means is they are insane within an expensive house. They even have that attitude towards the school - just a glorified babysitter.

Now, teachers are allowed to intrude on all sorts of family shit, but, seemingly, not to make the kids' life better!! go figure.

a sewage culture, from top to bottom.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My oldest sister was like that, had a nanny for her eldest son for 5 years then could not work out why he never called her mother or hugged her.

And she is a teacher, says it all really.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have taught on and off for maybe 30 years - proud to say I don't have a teaching certificate!
It is largely pavlovian training. I even went so far as to do a postgrad cert in gifted education - in itself eye-opening at the abuse these kids have to endure in the name of equality - but it didn't count - I haven't been through the monkey-training. Too late now - I dgaf. Yet I have parents asking for private lessons.

I got away with it coz in the UK private schools are not obligated to have teachers that must have some cert. Now that is harder. But is it not a huge joke that the private schools get better untrained teachers than the domesticated gov educators?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So sad about these girls and I haven't heard of the Blue whale challenge until reading this post.😱

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Children go through tough times at puberty, some get very confused but I blame the parents for not paying attention to what they are doing and going through.
The game is based on a movie, I forget which one now.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Right - my household is probably amusing (or baffling) to outsiders as they see daughter and I discuss the best style of sanitary pads!! in the shop ;-)

Teenage-syndrome seems an invention of the MSM to disrupt families, but there are real physio changes. We've discussed these at great length even before they started to manifest. She is handling it all with grace and humour and knowledge. eg studying hormone cycles is just basic science and basic life skills. IMNSHO.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"daughter and I discuss the best style of sanitary pads!! in the shop ;-)" = Perfectly normal.

Agreed on the latter.

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