
in chess •  4 years ago 

You CANNOT have sex in Australia, even if you're married, wear a mask, have to masturbate 6 feet apart from your lover. Government is your DADDY. Pence did NOT open up all of the certificates which means he VIOLATED the 12th amendment. If Trump was actually recruited by military to run for President in 2015 and if the military were really considering taking out Obama around that time, I wonder if they could in fact take out Biden instead now in 2021. But I guess it all depends. Chuck Norris didn't go to capitol on Jan6, the capitol went to Chuck Norris and broke. The President was speaking but none of the television stations carried it, not even Fox News showed the speech in Texas today. Not even the White House Feed is showing the President live in Texas. The 12th amendment could be invoked by congress in order to enable the candidate who got the most votes to win. That is how voting works. If you get more votes than the other person, then you're the winner. We must plead with Congress to invoke the 12th amendment. Pence said he was not going to pick which envelopes he was going to open. The 12th amendment says the VP is to open all of the envelopes. Pence only opened the ones which went to Biden in the battleground states. Many people said Pence had no power to pick. Therefore, Pence should have NOT picked by opening all of the envelopes. The constitution says the VP is to open ALL of the envelopes. Pence said he would NOT pick. Therefore, Pence was saying he would count ALL of the certificates. But Pence didn't open up all of the envelopes even after saying he would.

Stop The Steal

I want to know if military can arrest guilty congress members and then have the electoral college votes recounted. Are there really 200 generals who came together after JFK died to take down globalism via the long-game? 235 former military leaders support Trump as of 2020. Rudy says in an interview with Sara Carter the Jan6 storming on the capitol was led Antifa and BLM. Trump needs to talk about this. Bad cops let them in and Qanon weirdos followed them in and helped out a little. Q folks are not Trump supporters. Pence lied when he kept on saying a particular state only had certificates for Biden. There were actually dual envelopes for several states. When Pence refused to count both sets of electorates, he was in fact picking which to count and which not to count. Pence VIOLATED 12th amendment by CHOOSING which envelopes to OPEN, the amendment says to OPEN ALL THE ENVELOPES, BIDEN IS NOT THE PRESIDENT, the CONSTITUTION WAS VIOLATED.

Pence Violated the 12th Amendment When Refused to Count All The Certificates

Trump is Dying On His Cross But May Not Rise Again in Three Years or Ever Again

Don't Fall For The Qanon MK-Ultra Psy-Op Which Killed Trump

I Didn't Realize The Jan6 Q Trick Would Be Able to Destroy Trump

Trump Should Go Out With a Bang Like Eisenhower Did


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2021-01-12 - Tuesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-01-12 - Tuesday | Published in January of 2021

Ivanka Trump - Phone Texting, Selfie - Look Dad, I'm Governmenting.jpeg

Pence Violated the 12th Amendment When Refused to Count All The Certificates

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.


You Cannot Watch Forbidden News

Pence said he was not going to pick which envelopes he was going to open. The 12th amendment says the VP is to OPEN ALL of the envelopes. Pence only opened the ones which went to Biden in the battleground states.

In other words, he PICKED.

Pence VIOLATED 12th amendment by CHOOSING which envelopes to OPEN, the amendment says to OPEN ALL THE ENVELOPES, BIDEN IS NOT THE PRESIDENT, the CONSTITUTION WAS VIOLATED

There were dual electorals and if both weren't certified, then both should have been certified or none of them should have been. It's that simple.

Election News

We can stop the steal and save the republic one oatmeal at a time

If you turned on the television, you would have no idea the President was speaking in front of a crowd today.

We are witnessing for the first time in modern history, a President giving a major speech and yet not a single network is showing people, a media blackout.

Pence lied when he kept on saying a particular state only had certificates for Biden. There were actually dual envelopes for several states. When Pence refused to count both sets of electorals, he was in fact picking which to count and which not to count.

Pence said he was not going to pick which envelopes he was going to open. The 12th amendment says the VP is to open all of the envelopes. Pence only opened the ones which went to Biden in the battleground states. Many people said Pence had no power to pick. Therefore, Pence should have NOT picked by opening all of the envelopes. The constitution says the VP is to open ALL of the envelopes. Pence said he would NOT pick. Therefore, Pence was saying he would count ALL of the certificates. But Pence didn't open up all of the envelopes even after saying he would.

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Pence said he was not going to pick which envelopes he was going to open. The 12th amendment says the VP is to open all of the envelopes. Pence only opened the ones which went to Biden in the battleground states. Many people said Pence had no power to pick. Therefore, Pence should have NOT picked by opening all of the envelopes. The constitution says the VP is to open ALL of the envelopes. Pence said he would NOT pick. Therefore, Pence was saying he would count ALL of the certificates. But Pence didn't open up all of the envelopes even after saying he would.

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Pence said he was not going to pick which envelopes he was going to open. The 12th amendment says the VP is to open all of the envelopes. Pence only opened the ones which went to Biden in the battleground states. Many people said Pence had no power to pick. Therefore, Pence should have NOT picked by opening all of the envelopes. The constitution says the VP is to open ALL of the envelopes. Pence said he would NOT pick. Therefore, Pence was saying he would count ALL of the certificates. But Pence didn't open up all of the envelopes even after saying he would.

Oatmeal High Council

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Pence said he was not going to pick which envelopes he was going to open. The 12th amendment says the VP is to open all of the envelopes. Pence only opened the ones which went to Biden in the battleground states. Many people said Pence had no power to pick. Therefore, Pence should have NOT picked by opening all of the envelopes. The constitution says the VP is to open ALL of the envelopes. Pence said he would NOT pick. Therefore, Pence was saying he would count ALL of the certificates. But Pence didn't open up all of the envelopes even after saying he would.

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Pence said he was not going to pick which envelopes he was going to open. The 12th amendment says the VP is to open all of the envelopes. Pence only opened the ones which went to Biden in the battleground states. Many people said Pence had no power to pick. Therefore, Pence should have NOT picked by opening all of the envelopes. The constitution says the VP is to open ALL of the envelopes. Pence said he would NOT pick. Therefore, Pence was saying he would count ALL of the certificates. But Pence didn't open up all of the envelopes even after saying he would.


Follow and contact me on Facebook @JoeyArnoldVN

The Freedom of Speech is Gone?

02:02 PM - Facebook

The first amendment includes the freedom to assemble in large gatherings no matter what to peacefully protest without masks.

Toby Hugh Daniell, are there exception clauses written specifically in the constitution, the bill of rights, in any of those founding documents, to address potential pandemics or plandemics?

Banned President Speech

04:54 PM - Facebook

This speech was banned today. You're forbidden from watching from watching this speech given by the U.S. President today. None of the television stations carried the speech. This has never happened before in world history. Welcome to Hell on earth. Globalists are going to BBQ you up. Enjoy the fire!

The 12th amendment could be invoked by congress in order to enable the candidate who got the most votes to win. That is how voting works. If you get more votes than the other person, then you're the winner. We must plead with Congress to invoke the 12th amendment.

Pence lied when he kept on saying a particular state only had certificates for Biden. There were actually dual envelopes for several states. When Pence refused to count both sets of electorals, he was in fact picking which to count and which not to count.

Pence said he was not going to pick which envelopes he was going to open. The 12th amendment says the VP is to open all of the envelopes. Pence only opened the ones which went to Biden in the battleground states. Many people said Pence had no power to pick. Therefore, Pence should have NOT picked by opening all of the envelopes. The constitution says the VP is to open ALL of the envelopes. Pence said he would NOT pick. Therefore, Pence was saying he would count ALL of the certificates. But Pence didn't open up all of the envelopes even after saying he would.


Follow and tweet me on Twitter @greenoatmeal

Why is military not stopping China from taking over America via Biden?

Pence lied when he kept on saying a particular state only had certificates for Biden. There were actually dual envelopes for several states. When Pence refused to count both sets of electorals, he was in fact picking which to count and which not to count.

Pence said he was not going to pick which envelopes he was going to open. The 12th amendment says the VP is to open all of the envelopes. Pence only opened the ones which went to Biden in the battleground states. Many people said Pence had no power to pick. Therefore, Pence should have NOT picked by opening all of the envelopes. The constitution says the VP is to open ALL of the envelopes. Pence said he would NOT pick. Therefore, Pence was saying he would count ALL of the certificates. But Pence didn't open up all of the envelopes even after saying he would.

Somebody start a website called UGANDA because they're actually banning Twitter in Uganda.

I love the Barron Family. Like V For Vendetta I Am Spartacus Alex Jones Trump On Drugs.

If YouTube showed us Trump Incited Violence Clips, then wouldn't that mean YouTube would be guilty in inciting violence?

Uganda blocks Twitter. Uganda should start their own social network and call it Uganda.

Didn't military recruit Trump in 2015 and weren't the military planning to takeout Obama in 2015? If true, what happened to those military members? Where are they in 2021?

Is military unwilling to comply with an Insurrection Act if signed by Trump? Are there no good men left?


Watch and chat with me on YouTube @JoeyArnold7

Pence lied when he kept on saying a particular state only had certificates for Biden. There were actually dual envelopes for several states. When Pence refused to count both sets of electorals, he was in fact picking which to count and which not to count.

Pence said he was not going to pick which envelopes he was going to open. The 12th amendment says the VP is to open all of the envelopes. Pence only opened the ones which went to Biden in the battleground states. Many people said Pence had no power to pick. Therefore, Pence should have NOT picked by opening all of the envelopes. The constitution says the VP is to open ALL of the envelopes. Pence said he would NOT pick. Therefore, Pence was saying he would count ALL of the certificates. But Pence didn't open up all of the envelopes even after saying he would.

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Stopping Biden

01:08 AM - Hive

If Trump was actually recruited by military to run for President in 2015 and if the military were really considering taking out Obama around that time, I wonder if they could in fact take out Biden instead now in 2021. But I guess it all depends.

To quote Will Smith, now that's hot.

Yeah, I want to trust a general and yet I am out of patience.

All About China

01:13 PM - Hive

I'm underestimating China who has been buying lots of land in America, their soldiers train in Canada, they buy up Hollywood, they have spies come in to have sex with politicians, and the only famine China has is it's government which literally murders millions of Chinese people over time. I love the Chinese people and yet the government are abusing them. China is doing things in Africa. They're doing crazy things all over the world.

How do we contact Trump?

01:24 AM - Hive Blog

We spread out our messages everywhere online and offline in hopes that Donald Trump Jr sees it or Steven Crowder who can reach out to Don Jr who can reach out to his father, Donald Trump Sr.

Think like a friend of a friend kind of thing. Or somebody who knows Steven. Or somebody who knows somebody who knows Steven.

In other words, we try to get as close to Trump as possible. You reach out to Alex Jones, Robert Barnes, Rudy, Eric, Melania, Don Jr's GF who looks like Rita from the Power Rangers, Diamond & Silk, Kanye West, Ivanka, senators, not Mike Pence lol, not any of the other swamp creatures, Barron, Michael Jackson if he was still alive, Roger Stone, Tucker, Hannity, OAN, RSBN, News Max, Infowars, Fox News to a very small percent, the President of Brazil, possibly the President of Canada, the President of Japan, the President of India, the current leader of like Hong Kong, Candace Owens, any direct relatives of Trump minus like Mary lol, celebrities who might be conservative enough, some of those actors, anybody who has ever met Trump or who has somebody who has met Trump kind of thing.

It's a giant web of contacts and you can eventually get to the center of the circle, which is Trump.

Ironically, I talked to Pastor Sam who talked to Alex Jones who talked to Trump who talked to Putin which makes me only 4 people away from Russia. Oh no, you better lock me up for collusion lol.

Ban Parler But Bake The Gay Cake

12:23 PM - Hive Blog

I didn't realize you have to write cult before you can finish spelling culture. Wow. Mind blown. I love the Parler ban yet can't ban a gay cake irony. We all know businesses can refuse services for any reason or lie about it. Like, you could say to the gay people, "Oh, my mother died, gotta close early, bye bye." Like there are so many classical excuses. You don't have to just say, "I WILL NOT BAKE YOU FUCKING HOMOSEXUALS a FUCKING CAKE BECAUSE YOU GUYS WILL BURN IN HELL YOU LOSERS!"

Like, either make the cake or don't make the cake. They don't have to make the cake. But if they don't, the gay people could boycott them and form a march around the bakery. Get thousands of people to boycott the store. That's fine. The problem is if you can get judges involved. That is retarded. So, the store can have incentive to make the cake. I think I would have made the cake. Because you do it for the money. It is hard to draw the line in what you can put on a cake and not put on a cake. If you don't want to put certain things on your cake, then put that on your wall before the gay people come. Then you can point at the sign and say these are the rules. Hopefully the judges and jurors will sympathize. Same thing with whatever rules Twitter might have. One of the issues is when social media or when stores changes their rules or when there is selective enforcement of the policies therein.

Stopping Jan6 is Good News

01:36 PM - Hive

The Jan6 was supposed to be worse but patriots fought back against the weirdos and that is the good news. So, as long patriots are documenting it all and helping the police to a degree. Yeah, there are too many bad cops but I don't advocate fighting cops.

Giants in the Earth?

05:59 PM - Hive | International Flat Earth Society

Are there giants or other things below us? I believe possibly there are God knows what underneath us, be it giants or who knows what else. The powers that be have been hiding history and all kinds of things from the general public for thousands of years. The good news is that we all try very hard to discover bits and pieces of whatever they try to keep from us. Good knows how many books have been destroyed. The good news is we're finding out all kinds of things, they've failed at destroying everything. Once something is seen, it cannot be unseen. So, they try very hard to keep us from seeing too much in the first place. So, it is our job to see as much as we can before it is too late.

What happened to Brazil?

06:08 PM - Hive

What happened to the president in Brazil, I thought he was like Trump but better, right?

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Tea Eye


If the Jan7 Trump video is deep fake, why didn't they make Fake Trump say Biden in the speech? Would they purposely leave that one word out?

Was the video on Fox News as well? If so, I'll like to see what it looked like on Fox or on CNN.

Was there really only one version of that video?

Either bad quality of a video or maybe a deep fake

If the video was edited and/or a deep fake either partly or completely, then the next question would be who made the Jan7 video

Some say Trump left America

Will we see real Trump in Alamo, Texas in a few hours from now next to other people in the same place with him at the same time?

If you were Trump, would you leave America during your last week as President? Is that a smart move?

Wouldn't Trump's family know if he was dead?

But why not have fake Trump say, "I'm STEPPING DOWN RIGHT NOW."

Why not resign on the 7th?

Where is Weiner?

It's possible Trump is giving up

"That's your orange daddy" ahahahahhahaaaaaaaaa

Trump sometimes does not move his hands

A win-win situation for globalism is the plan

If Biden gets in, Trump will be killed.

But they're trying to kill Trump, assuming Trump isn't already dead, they're trying to.

A small flake turns into a big snowball slowly

Knocked down, get back up again

I've had around 35 YouTube channels and some of them have been suspended

Like V for Vendetta, I am Spartacus

It's funny how many people are making Trump parody accounts on Twitter now

There were stand down orders on Jan6

If they don't want you in, they will make sure you can't get into a building, period

Police got conflicting orders Jan6, some cops tried holding back the crowds and some stood down

You do not always have to take out people like Osama Bin Laden, Sadam, and others

We shouldn't always be in other countries starting wars excessively

Good speech, Eisenhower made at the end

When you take out a leader of a foreign country, you create a power vacuum and even worse people can come up and take over and make things even worse

I wouldn't have killed Osama Bin Laden

@Dallas Baldys, true Osama Bin Laden probably died before 2004

I wouldn't kill kids, you go around the kids and ignore the kids at the very least

I want to know if military can arrest guilty congress members and then have the electoral college votes recounted.

Are there really 200 generals who came together after JFK died to take down globalism via the long-game?

Was Trump killed and then deep faked in the Jan7 video?

That one guy with glasses came out with video yesterday talking about 200 patriot generals who are trying to fight globalism.

I want to believe there are good generals who formed a secret team to take out globalists

Rudy says in an interview with Sara Carter the Jan6 storming on the capitol was led Antifa and BLM. Trump needs to talk about this. Bad cops let them in and Qanon weirdos followed them in and helped out a little. Q folks are not Trump supporters.

Rudy must urge Trump to talk about all of this.

General Shepherd

10:47 AM - AMERICAN JOURNAL (Full Show) Tuesday - 1/12/21

They're saying if you've exercised your first amendment right as an American, then you're a Domestic Terrorist and must be imprisoned.

Qanon was started by the Trump campaign as early as 2015 and yet it was taken over by operatives after like three weeks or so. A small period of time. It was taken over by operatives who are up to no good.

Trump will probably be the last President we ever have before the return of Christ.

First, they may offer millions of dollars to rape your kid and then it'll be for a box of fries and then it will let us rape your children or we will kill you.

The President was speaking but none of the television stations carried it, not even Fox News showed the speech in Texas today.

Not even the White House Feed is showing the President live in Texas.

Not even the White House Feed is showing the President live in Texas. Not even Yahoo is showing Trump talking live on video.

If you turned on the television, you would have no idea the President was speaking in front of a crowd today.

Check out Deep Capture Patrick Byrne

This Trump Speech was BANNED today on television, main stream media refused to show you a live event of the current U.S. President in Alamo, Texas today in front of people, you're forbidden from watching this video, they don't want you to see it.

Pence lied when he kept on saying a particular state only had certificates for Biden. There were actually dual envelopes for several states. When Pence refused to count both sets of electorals, he was in fact picking which to count and which not to count.

General Shepherd

08:20 PM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Tuesday - 1/12/21

Check out Evelyn Rae

You CANNOT have sex in Australia, even if you're married, wear a mask, have to masturbate 6 feet apart from your lover. Government is your DADDY.

Uganda says to Facebook, "You can't banned us if we ban you first."

Somebody start a website called UGANDA because they're actually banning Twitter in Uganda.

Health Ranger

11:33 PM - Situation Update, Jan 12th, 2021 - Is Trump winning at unconventional warfare?

Secret service black-ops were trying to set Alex Jones up, get him to run into the capitol on Wednesday, the 6th of January of 2021, so they could arrest him. Alex didn't fall for the trap and tried his best with a blow-horn to call people away.

Watch Log

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Health Ranger

11:33 PM - Situation Update, Jan 12th, 2021 - Is Trump winning at unconventional warfare?

Dear diary, up at 10:30 AM, made bed, a little cold even with an extra coat, slept around 8 hours, a mild headache. Well, not a headache but almost. It probably will be gone soon. Maybe just tired. Not a migraine and not even a headache. I'm just being sensitive. Banana, coffee, for breakfast. Soup stuff around like 2 PM and same thing, stuff from yesterday and for dinner the same thing plus rice around 07:30 PM. Raining today. Dishes in the afternoon and again around 07:00 PM. Toilet paper refilling in the afternoon, some organizing in the big garage, got the mail around 02:30 PM or so. Nap at night for like an hour or two. I got back up around 11 PM for sure.

I Didn't Realize The Jan6 Q Trick Would Be Able to Destroy Trump

Don't Fall For The Qanon MK-Ultra Psy-Op Which Killed Trump

Trump is Dying On His Cross But May Not Rise Again in Three Years or Ever Again

Pence Violated the 12th Amendment When Refused to Count All The Certificates

2015-01-26 Joeyarnoldvn Oatmeal Joey Arnold Oregon JSA OJawall JA Forest Grove OR FG FGHS WOLBI SA TSA The Salvation Army Vietnam Saigon Hanoi Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter Smith Hocking Hawk Lincoln Hawks WA Washington Shelton New York NYC Word of Life Bible Institute ABC YouTube Facebook Twitter Google Alex Jones Bill Gates Informationwar Infowar Ironic Mystic Pickett Pickell Joeyarnold Joeyarnold7 JoeyarnoldTV iJustine Metal Gear USA United States of America 1900's 2000's stefan molyneux clam conspiracy theorist donald john j trump soros hitler Cool Kid Ghetto Joe Jo high school revolution hawaii ea pab l4oj l4ojsa l4r hope over dope infowars west virginia vn asia American English Teacher Add Me 1980's 1990's 2010's 2020's 2016 Michael Jordan Jackson Jesus God Devil Satan Nationalism Over Globalism Bowl Soul Oats Battle Star Wars Trek Matrix JA GROUP YEAR END PARTY PIC.jpg

Breaking Banned World News Resistance Videos Going Viral

Black Vault

Gab CEO Pulls Off The Impossible For Trump… INCREDIBLE!

235 former military leaders support Trump, warn 'our historic way of life is at stake'

WND wrote an article today saying House should invoke the 12th amendment, is WND wrong? The headline reads: Instead of the 25th Amendment, House should invoke the 12th

These Photos Show What Russia Is Really Like

Big Tech Takeover: People Respond To Unprecedented Social Media Censorship

JFK, QAnon, 200 Generals, Military is ready! Trump is safe & everyone is in Texas! Don't ever stop believing!) 11th January Third Update... (Simon Parks)

FBI Quietly Releases 284-page Report on Nancy Pelosi’s Corrupt Father Exposing Her Brother as a Repeat Child Rapist WHILE THE MEDIA WAS BUSY COVERING THE US CAPITOL PROTEST Wednesday Night! (Nancy Pelosi’s Name is Redacted From All Crimes)

International Flat Earth Society


The Barron Family Hashtag on Twitter

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