My Impressions of ChatGPT: A Personal Assistant?

in chatgpt •  2 years ago 

Despite being highly praised by most people, ChatGPT has several issues with information as it has not been manually trained in all areas. I believe that OpenAI has teams that verify a portion of people's questions and attempt to correct the answers for future searches. In fact, they have a feedback system so that users can report possible errors.

Another problem I found while using it is the need to provide as much detail as possible about what is desired, or else ChatGPT may give an answer that is out of context. In other words, ChatGPT is like a ship without a course on the sea, without the captain saying exactly where they want to go and how to get there, the boat will be lost.

I can say that ChatGPT will not be able to replace human thinking, but rather it is a tool like a calculator, it gives the results that you consciously think of. For example, a great way I found to use OpenAI's AI is to translate from my language to English, although there may be some errors, it is much better than other translators for correcting grammar errors ("So I hope"). Additionally, I ask it to classify the text and give me appropriate hashtags for the text or even a suitable title for the text.

In summary, ChatGPT is good at providing suggestions as a personal assistant, but it is terrible at providing correct or unbiased information.


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I stay away from it, AI will soon become just another tool of propaganda and brainwashing

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But it is a tool, don't use it to get information and i think it will be fine. Google, Meta already do biased manipulation... But i agree that AI will become a tool of propaganda, maybe this will happen when the people become too munch dependent of the AI.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Using it creates the dependency.

Not using it means that potential dependency, can never be a danger.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I believe that in the future all business will use AI, then the dependency will happen. Like today, the people is dependent of smartphone, google, facebook services...

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Like today, the people is dependent of smartphone, google, facebook services...

I have no smartphone, don't use google, or facebook.
They are not part of my life.
See what I mean?
...It's easy to follow the herd into the slaughter house - not only do you 'belong' - it's much more convenient.
It's been designed that way.
By the people who want to control you.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

this dependency is creating by using as @lucylin say. It's always like that. Firstly it's some kind of curiosity, then you doing it, then you become use to it and then its your new addiction.

And when it reach that level, you starting loosing your clarity of thinking. You loosing you consciousness of manipulations implemented in that thing.

And of course there is another side because, more people using it, more people need it because for example market of services is break by it.

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I too experimented with it and i wantet to check if this tool was accurate or not. They have created a tool that can be helpful in most cases but someone fully depending on it will see himself misguided in few cases.

I remember that chatgpt failed when i asked some religious questions to it. It answered wrongly and any person wanting to seek knowledge about that topic their Chatgpt will get themself misguided.

AI is not dangerous, the way people will adapt it can be dangerous. That's my opinion.

Thank you for sharing this write up here.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My sister is studying a course and tried to ask some questions for chatgpt to answer, the result is that it got the answers wrong. I believe that there are many advertisements on the internet as if they were news talking about the ability of chatgpt.

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