cervantes ciencia book quotation

in cervantesciencia •  3 years ago 

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certain parts of the ocean. We had also seen those creatures.
Always; to the reef, dressed in artificial fur and
breathing with the help of removable tubes, but they never came near us
a lot. The peaceful and huge giant mantas sang to us
songs of his travels, and the occasional shark told us of exploits of what
Further inside. That was how we discovered the remote places that were
beyond the reef.
"Well, you should keep in mind that corals only survive a certain
temperature. In the warm waters of the reef, where the temperature never
fluctuated, that requirement was not a problem. However, that
changed when El Niño visited our reef.
»El Niño is a strong ocean current. It is said that he ran away from home.
and dedicated himself to traveling the world, sometimes he is an angel and other times he does the
the worst tantrums I don't want to say that he is bad, but he is a spoiled brat.
who will unleash destruction if he doesn't get his way.
"Well, you see, El Niño came to our reef and we were unlucky enough to
bumping into him during one of his horrible outbursts. he crossed our
'Now, you have to remember that corals only survive within a certain temperature
rank. In the warm waters of the Reef, where the temperature never
It fluctuated, it was not a problem. However, this changed when the
Little Boy visited our reef.
'El Niño, or 'The Little Boy', is a strong underwater current. having run
away from home, she travels the world, sometimes being angelic and sometimes
throwing the worst tantrums. I wouldn't say it's bad, but it's a bit
spoiled and will unleash destruction if he doesn't get his way.
'Well, El Niño came to our Reef, and it was our bad luck that it was
in one of his towering rages against him. He screamed and screamed and bawled and
he screamed, crashing against the reef, and before we could realize what he was
passing, it had already disappeared.
Also our Reef, at least as I knew it. The temperatures had risen drastically,
and the coral polyps, in an attempt to save their friendly algae, were busy expelling
in little clouds and puffs, leaving the corals bare and bleached. fearful
The exiting fish came from the reef in droves, hoping to find a safe haven elsewhere.
Where once there was color, everything was pale or white and stark.

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