cervantes ciencia book quotation

in cervantesciencia •  2 years ago 

Despite the lack of her dear and wise friend, Aurora, Tiana, Mendelina
and Rapunzel still met every week in one of their towers to
continue the tradition of sharing your wild hypotheses, discussing them, and
Propose experiments to prove them. On the anniversary of the disappearance
of Athena, the four friends met in the tower of Aurora.
That night Sleeping Beauty proposed that the Earth was not flat, as
the sages and the hangovers of her time affirmed, but round. was one
stormy night, so Aurora couldn't use her telescope to
show her friends the evidence on which she based her hypothesis. Hour
She waited for the sky to clear, Aurora sighed and fell asleep,
Tiana watched as Laevis jumped up and down in the puddles that made up the
rain, Rapunzel tried different braids on his hair for his next
escape attempt and Mendelina continued to complain about the harshness of the
Aurora armchairs.
It was then that a hooded figure appeared from the shadows.
of the night. The princesses, surprised at first, were frightened and
they demanded that the strange figure show them his face. it was nothing more and
Despite the absence of her dear and wise friend, Aurora, Tiana, Mendelina
and Rapunzel still met every week in one of their towers to continue the
tradition of sharing their crazy hypotheses, discussing them and proposing
experiments to prove them. On the anniversary of Athena's disappearance,
the four friends gathered in the tower of Aurora. That night Sleeping Beauty
They proposed that the Earth was not flat, as the sages and philosophers
of its time claimed, but round. It was a stormy night, so Aurora was able to
his would not use her telescope to show her friends the evidence she relied on
of her of her the hypothesis of her of her. As they waited for the sky to clear, Aurora sighed and
Asleep, Tiana watched Laevis jump into the puddles formed by
rain, Rapunzel tried to style different braids in his hair for his next try.
escape, and Mendelina continued to complain about the harshness
of Aurora's chairs.
As they waited, a hooded figure appeared from the shadows.
of the night. The princesses, surprised at first, were frightened
and demanded that the strange figure show her face. it was none
besides Athena herself, so they quickly ran to hug her. Eleven
directly from a prince; there he tasted his princely delicacy with one of
his own peas from him. Meanwhile, Rapunzel had managed to escape
of a witch who had locked her in a tower with the help of her long
mane and a noble knight, who killed the terrible witch. How is she okay?
known, these stories always end with a royal wedding, in this case being a
quadruple wedding to the great joy of the four kingdoms.
The kings, although they did not believe these stories, could not deny their truth,
since it would have filled them with shame to admit that their daughters had
escaped his iron control. Athena's plan was to hire
minstrels, storytellers and all kinds of artists so that the next morning
of her disappearance will flood the five kingdoms with these stories. athena
correctly predicted that kings would rather take them for granted than
admit defeat. The SCIENCE plan, «Invented Stories in Extreme
Need to Continue Researching at the Academy”, had turned out to be
a resounding success.
The princesses, after a long journey, arrived at the Academy. there they studied
and they learned a lot, and they became doctors, that is, professionals
prince, where her princess delicacy was put to the test with one of her
own peas from him. Meanwhile, a witch had locked Rapunzel in a tower, but she
managed to escape from her with the help of her long hair and a noble knight, who
killed the wicked witch. As everyone knows, these stories always end with
a royal wedding, and in this case there was a quadruple wedding, which
brought great joy to the four kingdoms.
The kings, although they did not believe in these stories, could not deny their
truthfulness, because they would have been embarrassed to admit that
his daughters had escaped his iron fist. Athena's plan was to hire troubadours,
storytellers and all kinds of performers, who flooded the five
kingdoms with these stories the morning after her disappearance.
Athena correctly predicted that the kings would prefer to congratulate their
her daughters rather than admit defeat. The SCIENCE plan, 'Sly Stories
Invented as an Exceptional Necessity to Continue the Experiments', converted
be a resounding success.
After a long journey, the princesses arrived at the Academy. They studied
and learned enough to become doctors, that is, professional researchers
directly from a prince; there he tasted his princely delicacy with one of
his own peas from him. Meanwhile, Rapunzel had managed to escape
of a witch who had locked her in a tower with the help of her long
mane and a noble knight, who killed the terrible witch. How is she okay?
known, these stories always end with a royal wedding, in this case being a
quadruple wedding to the great joy of the four kingdoms.
The kings, although they did not believe these stories, could not deny their truth,
since it would have filled them with shame to admit that their daughters had
escaped his iron control. Athena's plan was to hire
minstrels, storytellers and all kinds of artists so that the next morning
of her disappearance will flood the five kingdoms with these stories. athena
correctly predicted that kings would rather take them for granted than
admit defeat. The SCIENCE plan, «Invented Stories in Extreme
Need to Continue Researching at the Academy”, had turned out to be
a resounding success.
The princesses, after a long journey, arrived at the Academy. there they studied
and they learned a lot, and they became doctors, that is, professionals
prince, where her princess delicacy was put to the test with one of her
own peas from him. Meanwhile, a witch had locked Rapunzel in a tower, but she
managed to escape from her with the help of her long hair and a noble knight, who
killed the wicked witch. As everyone knows, these stories always end with
a royal wedding, and in this case there was a quadruple wedding, which
brought great joy to the four kingdoms.
The kings, although they did not believe in these stories, could not deny their
truthfulness, because they would have been embarrassed to admit that
his daughters had escaped his iron fist. Athena's plan was to hire troubadours,
storytellers and all kinds of performers, who flooded the five
kingdoms with these stories the morning after her disappearance.
Athena correctly predicted that the kings would prefer to congratulate their
her daughters rather than admit defeat. The SCIENCE plan, 'Sly Stories
Invented as an Exceptional Necessity to Continue the Experiments', converted
be a resounding success.
After a long journey, the princesses arrived at the Academy. They studied
and learned enough to become doctors, that is, professional researchers

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