in censorship •  2 years ago 

Google is the king of spywear, and I highly recommend that anyone with a gmail account stops using it and gets themselves a Protonmail account. Gmail has 1.5 billion accounts and many of them a real users! But nobody has to use gmail and it’s easy to change to another service.


There are lots of free mail services but after trying a few out I found Protonmail seemed to be the best one, so here I’m just recommending that one alone for simplicity. You can get paid pro accounts but the free ones work fine for most use.


There are lots of technical reasons why Google might be blocking all emails from our domain to gmail accounts, but for one reason or another, sooner or later, Google always do everything in their power to block or hide all that we do using the internet.


We are now enemies of Google, because they want to outlaw all free speech.

If you have a gmail account we will do our best to email you using Protonmail because all our usual email accounts are being blocked by Gmail.


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I refuse to use anything googley. I use hotmail, always have and now I use presearch after years of duckduckgo.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Although i still use duckduckgo, i dont trust them an inch. But i just didnt find presearch good for image searching, which i do a lot of!

Sometimes i do use google reverse image search i must admit...

I do a lot of image searching too. I'm sure they will improve it. Duckduck is no longer to be trusted, they showed their hand.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Except youtube lol jk

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

check out

they make it easy to import your contacts

Posted from

Will bare it in mind but have had me hotmail address for donkeys years

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

i'm not suggesting you quit your current email

i'm merely suggesting you make a backup in case your account gets randomly deleted

Posted from

ok gotcha

Posted from

I use proton mail as well. I read a few years ago that Yahoo tells you upfront they are scanning every email.

I have the paid Protonmail so not sure if it works the same with the free version. But one need be careful as we are with keys here. They can't help you if you lock yourself out, but they claim that all emails are encrypted and that they can't open ones emails.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The free version is limited in size and folders, so it wouldnt be good for keeping a lot of history.

Nothing beats the @frot imagery! Always cracks me up!

But yeah. F---Gmail.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Fuck google and their beta cuck bitch followers.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Protonmail is awesome. They have made quite a substantial updates since I first got in. Encrypted VPN service available for mobile and pc. Encrypted calendar, pc and mobile.

The vpn is free unless you want more faster servers.

I hear complaints of it sometimes not working, but they don't ever provide their phone info ao they can update their app to work on their phone. It's really just a matter patience. Either overall it's a great email service.

Highly recommend it aswell. Even for private businesses. Especially where money is involved.