Causes and effects of global warming

in causes •  3 years ago 


Global warming is a phenomenon caused by climate change. This global warming is currently taking a terrible turn for the rest of the world and experts believe that in the future it could bring much more danger to the southern regions of the world.

*** What is global warming?

This is a change in nature that is associated with the greenhouse effect. We know that in agricultural opinion, climate refers to the overall condition of a place after 20 to 30 years. And this cosmic warmth in simple terms we understand it as temperature but in fact did not do so much in one day. This temperature has gradually reached this stage due to nature or due to the natural environment. Earth's temperature is now about .70 ° Celsius higher than it was a hundred years ago. Scientists have analyzed the current temperature as well as the possibility that in the future, the Earth's temperature may increase by 2.5 to 5.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the 21st century.

Reasons for global warming:

We all probably know what the greenhouse effect is. It is actually a house built nearby, usually a house made of work to keep the tree alive in a cold country where it can only enter but not leave. No one in this world is compared to those three thousand because we can all see that the temperature is constantly rising. Why? This is a common thing but we may or may never look at it but it is very important for us but not for our next generation. Earth is compared to a glass house like a greenhouse because we know we get light and temperature from the sun. And we also know that without sunlight, plants and animals do not survive. The heat of the sun is needed for the natural environment but when the heat of the sun gradually increases after entering the earth, it tends to increase the temperature and poses a threat to plant, animal and public life. The atmosphere around the earth is wet with carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons, and these are the greenhouses we know about, just as the house is made of work, and these substances work like plastic. These are the gases that we have learned about. But again a big problem is that these trees prevent the heat from escaping for each other on the earth causing the earth's temperature to rise day by day.

These trees are again a blessing for the earth. Because if these trees did not have the atmosphere on Earth like this, then all the temperatures of the earth would return to the outer cosmic region of the atmosphere, in which case the people of the earth would be suitable for living animals and plants. And the earth would be so cold at night that it would not be at the tolerable level of an extraordinary human being. But the problem is that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing day by day. And as the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases day by day, it keeps the earth's temperature higher, which is why global warming is increasing. Natural gas coal is being used as fuel in various types of factories and it is emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide, which is also increasing the temperature. At the same time, people are deforesting so that carbon dioxide can no longer be reduced.

What is happening in the world as a result of global warming:

Many of its bad effects have already begun. We can see that the temperature is constantly rising so much that the animals have reached an unbearable level for humans. And scientists speculate that if temperatures continue to rise in this way, the Himalayan ice sheet will melt to such an extent that sea level will rise significantly. As a result, the southern part of the world, especially the southern part of Bangladesh, could be much more affected. And the news message in Bangladesh is that as a result of these three to four days of extreme temperature rise, the rate of sick children in every government children's hospital is increasing. And that number is so high that many parents are no longer able to find a place to stay when their child is taken to a children's hospital. And researchers also say that cyclones and hurricanes can cause a variety of major natural disasters.

Things to do to protect against global warming:

Basically all the activities that increase carbon dioxide gas should reduce these tasks and if we see that it should not be done but in that case alternative path should be followed so that small amount of carbon dioxide is emitted. And the easiest and most affordable thing that everyone can read is to plant a lot of trees. But there is another aspect to keep in mind that we have to be careful as a conscious citizen while cutting down our forest resources i.e. plants indiscriminately. The need for trees should be presented in the settlements located next to the Sundarbans area. Awareness needs to be raised among these people. But another important aspect is that this awareness is not the responsibility of a personal person but also a personal one because if a person can realize stomach problems and harmful aspects then that person must be aware of himself. At the same time, the person needs to inform the other ten people and make them realize that they should stand up for more people. And I would like to express my personal opinion that there are as many honorable officers and employees under the forest department of every country and the earnest appeal to the people all over the world is that you must consciously protect the forest and plant more trees.

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