Happy Caturday From Curator Cat and Smudge!

in caturday •  2 years ago 

Greetings fine Felines and Hoomans of Blurtlandia!

Somehow, we've managed to make it to the weekend again, and that means Saturday... and for the cat lovers among you you are probably well aware that Saturday means Caturday!

A sunny moment, at last!

Yes, it's that day of the week where everybody gets to share their cat pictures, because… well, cats!

Did you know that there are likely more than ten billion cat photos on the Internet? Yes, we're just that popular!

Looking like I'm on a vintage postcard... what do you think?

A Calmer World?

Seems like some of the crazy gyrations in the crypto markets have come down a bit and I have to admit that I'm glad to see that.

I wouldn't exactly say that we are now in a period of recovery, but at least things aren't dropping like a stone anymore.

Smudge, finding a sunny spot!

Smudge and I are having a quiet Caturday.

It has been very windy outside and every time we think it's finally going to be nice and sunny we got another massive downpour.

Meanwhile, I have been entertaining my self by watching the flapping prayer flags strung around the Hoomans' vegetable garden... they keep away the deer, but they are also good "Kitty TV!"

Up close and personal

Good thing we all have our nice warm beds in the house so we can watch the wild weather unfold from a comfortably warm spot!

Otherwise, not a whole lot to report from our little corner of the world.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have a wonderful remainder of your weekend!


2022-06-04 19:32
No. 42 of many more to come!
All images are my own!

Posted from https://blurt.live

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