Curator Cat on Caturday: Weekends Are Made for Sleeping!

in caturday •  last year 

Greetings all fine Felines and Hoomans of Blurtlandia!

It's Saturday, once more, and that means it's Caturday, my favorite day of the week... and the day when Hoomans all over the Internet like to share photos of their Feline friends!

Sleeping is best when in the middle of one of the Hoomans' projects!

Aaah... Naptime!

Of course, there's never a bad time for taking a nap when you're a cat... but I really prefer to sleep in the middle of what the Hoomans are doing!

Above, the Dad-Hooman was trying to do one of his "eBay listing" things, so that seemed like a good place for a nap.

My actual bed is right there, on the pale blue towel...

Yes, I sleep with my bear...

Sadly, the Dad-Hooman just wasn't sympathetic to my choice of sleeping spots, so I reluctantly moved to my (much softer) bed.

No, the bear was not "posed" there... I like to have "something" on my sleeping spots, usually to put my nose under.

Yes, I love a good box!

As I have shared in the past, I love boxes as much as any cat!

My preference is actually for a box that is in Hooman use, as it is more likely to get me some attention.

"Shadow, that's NEGATIVE attention!" the Dad-Hooman says, but since both my Hoomans are very kind to cats, it all works out in the end. At least for me!

I hope you are all having a marvelous Caturday, wherever you may be! If you are a Blurt user and also a cat lover, why not share some photos of your feline friend for Caturday... today, or maybe next Saturday?


2023-01-21 12:08
No. 48 of many more to come!
All images are my own!

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  ·  last year  ·  

Hahaha, I like the story, it looks like my 2 cats