Curator Cat: Just Another Winter Caturday!

in caturday •  last year 

Greetings fine Felines and Hoomans of Blurtlandia!

I'm afraid I missed doing a Caturday post last week, but I'm back! It's Saturday, and Saturday means Caturday, that day when we post pictures of cats, cats, cats!

What does a cat do, on Caturday? Nap, and look cute... of course!

Things are fun around our place at the moment, because the Hoomans are busy preparing for an arts and crafts show.

That means they are being creative, and have all sorts of "little things" lying about... perfect for us cats to get into!

In the middle of the Dad-Hooman's work!

I'm especially fond of the Mom-Hooman's creative work - she makes small furniture and little houses in miniature, using things from outside. They have wonderful smells, and some are really fun to chew on!

She's not exactly happy, when I do that...

look at all that fun stuff!

Thankfully, there are plenty of other things around the house that I can into!

And I do...!

I hope you are all having a marvelous Caturday, wherever you may be! If you are a Blurt user and also a cat lover, why not share some photos of your feline friend for Caturday... today, or maybe next Saturday?


2023-02-04 22:29
No. 49 of many more to come!
All images are my own!

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