Curator Cat: Caturday Again, and Autumn is Getting Close!

in caturday •  2 years ago 

Greetings Felines and Hoomans of Blurtlandia!

Welcome to the weekend, everyone! It is Saturday today, and that means Caturday, that day of the week when cat lovers around the world post pictures of their feline friends!

Never met a box I didn't like!

It has been a while since we've posted on Blurt... the Hoomans get very busy during the summer, and there is not so much time for things like maintaining cat blogs and social media.

But I can feel that autumn is getting closer, and the days are getting shorter!

Inspecting my Cat Condo!

Seems like we always have more time when the Hoomans start spending more hours indoors!

Otherwise, all things at the Curator Cat household follow their normal routines. My fuzzy housemate Smudge is doing well and has transitioned completely to her new home with us.


You may remember that Smudge came to us last November when her Mom-Hooman moved out of the country to a situation that would not be good for a senior citizen cat.

Smudge is quite old — 14 is old for a cat — and mostly minds her own business and sleeps in the sunny spots, enjoying her "golden years."

Testing a warm blanket for winter!

I am looking forward to the Hoomans getting busy with their creative crafts projects so I can get in the middle of them!

Thanks for visiting, and enjoy the rest of your Caturday!


2022-09-17 11:14
No. 46 of many more to come!
All images are my own!

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