My Cat Molested Me

in cat •  2 years ago 

Last night, as I was on the verge of falling asleep, I feel this great big fluffy lump crawl onto my stomach. It was none other than an arctic fox that I call Latte. Latte is at that age where male cats only have one thing on their mind, food girls. Actually, he's beginning to want to reproduce but doesn't exactly know-how. I don't have a picture of Latte in action, so here's a picture of him modeling with a bottle of shampoo.


Use Silky for smooth cat hair. This product can also be used for human hair, which my mother has experimented with.

When male cats want to have coitus but there's no female around to do it with, they will do it to whatever object, that's soft, that's nearest to them. In last night's case, it was my blanket, which happened to be on me. It didn't feel totally weird, Latte was basically kneading the blanket while biting it. It was a bit like having a massage. It didn't take long for Latte to get bored, and after he did, he chewed on a sycamore seed I left lying on the floor.

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