Unshackled minds - cashless shopping - new testing

in cashless •  3 years ago 


Biedronka it is called, the local supermarket.

There is also the German Lidl supermarket - there was Tesco, but there is no more Tesco.
Tesco is a UK chain and has reached as far as Asia before pulling out of Thailand a few years ago. They pulled out of here towards the end of last year. (Poland.)
I covered the closure of Tesco as I visited the local one when it was closing, it was surreal to say the least, you could buy the cash tills that you were paying at, not only that, the shelving the food was stacked on.
There was a well coordinated move in Lidl and Biedronka to fit cashless checkouts around a year ago, Tesco had always had a self checkout option but that option also accepted cash.
It would seem Tesco were not willing to replace all those self checkouts with cashless ones so they sold up and left Poland.

Now the part that makes you scratch your head regarding the cashless checkouts is none of them are able to cater for anyone with a trolley full of food. Sure if you only have 7 or 8 items you can use them, but a trolley? No way.
Most supermarkets here where I reside are not huge, they are not the size that Tesco was, Tesco was the largest by far. There is not the floor space to make it possible to have no cashiers.


I have no photos of supermarkets so my cat will have to do.

So I have seen first hand that there is a drive to go cashless, but unsure how they intend to replace people on conveyor tills.
I spoke to my mother last night and she confirms in Derbyshire UK there are hardly any staff in supermarkets now, and a friend in Bristol UK said there were none in his supermarkets.
I noted Russia are delivering orders with robotic devices #clixmoney maybe able to confirm this.

USA is heading towards drone delivery is it not @practicalthought ?

With the push to get people used to no service, no smile, no human interaction, we head towards the service tills with real people in my family.

HIV tests and all tests.

The headlines in the UK are another "new normal" test for HIV/AIDS. The UK government has put aside 23 million GBP for test kits for AIDS/HIV but why now? Could it be the vaccine has ruined peoples immune system? I can only guess, I am not a doctor but the timing seems a little odd when HIV/AIDS has not been mentioned for decades.
There is another "new normal" here. It has been increasingly difficult for anyone here to visit a doctor or hospital for 2 years.
The German supermarket named Lidl seems to have this covered with their new normal test kits.
I noted at the checkout a few weeks ago that the same company that were making the convid lateral flow tests are now making tests for just about anything else you would traditionally visit a doctor about.
They have a test for your liver, one for kidneys, one for prostate even, where you would have to insert that is anybodies guess, I do not aim to find out.
I will take a photo one day of all the kits and document this "new normal" doctor by plastic stick.
To me they look like a pregnancy test but now they are a full on medical doctor in a box.

My mother confirms that it is almost impossible for her to visit a GP/doctor in the UK just the same as here.
It would seem the human touch is what those in ivory towers that call themselves el-ite want gone, doctor by phone, doctor by box, no cashiers, work from home, soulless existence, that is just that, exist and nothing more.
Since 2 years now I avoid supermarkets if I can.
I shop local and at small places, family shops.
We can get most things from local farms and fresh too, no pesticides neither. Cash only.

We have to as a society change the way we do things, stop giving all our money to corporate supermarkets, start paying in cash only, insisting on the human touch, the human smile.
Once people are gone from shops, working at home, sitting in automatic driving cars, getting food delivered by robots - we might as well give in. A life without human contact is no life at all.

Have a superb day, shop local, pay cash and insist on an office or charge rent for working at home!

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

here all payments are electronic

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Supermarkets in Australia have been putting many self checkouts and reducing the amount of cashier's.

Posted from https://blurtblog.tekraze.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cashless or do they accept cash bud?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Some do cash and some only accept card payments.

Posted from https://blurtblog.tekraze.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cashless here if self serve.