Cardano Hub at the edge of civilization - Project Catalyst Fund11 Proposal

in cardano •  10 months ago 

Cardano DAO - Project Catalyst, right now there is Fund11 and I'm sharing my proposal with you, my readers. I already submitted it on Ideascale and I'm looking forward to hear your feedback. Here is the main text of this proposal which I repeat to my crypto-blog readers.

Cardano adoption for new people, the vast majority of whom are not familiar with cryptocurrencies. Cardano's underrepresentation in Ukraine is also a problem

[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution.

Creation of Cardano Hub at the edge of civilization, which will be a place for meetups, crypto cafe, library, volunteer and social center of help for those in need

In February 202 russia launched full-scale attack on Ukraine, killing thousands of people and committing genocide. You know what I mean if you watch the news.

The war against a much stronger enemy continues.

Edge of civilization - I mean the area near the frontline. Some of the cities are serious ruined, while in others - the life goes one, shops and cafes continue to exists and many civilians remain there

In one of such cities (i.e. Slovyansk, Kramatorsk, Druzhkivka) I propose to create this cafe, which will have big underground premises (or even will function underground) so it will have a bomb shelter. In addition to functioning like a cafe, library, and center for events, it will be also a volunteer center - providing some food, and water for local people who will be in need.

[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community.

This project will have 2 big dimensions of impact:

The local adoption of Cardano

Social and volunteer impact, as such cafes are in big need in the east of Ukraine

Regarding 1 dimension - I think Cardano is underrepresented in Ukraine, a lot of people even from the crypto community are not knowledgeable about Cardano, and they are unaware of all the opportunities that Project Catalyst has.

Regarding 2 dimensions - this question might look geopolitical. In Project Catalyst millions of ADA were distributed to different geographies. I had "Cardano Hub" proposal in Fund1 and later through funds I had a different proposal related to local incentives in Ukraine but none of them were supported by votes...

That's why the question of whether to vote or not - remains open to you

[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

I'm in Catalyst since Fund1 and l have studied the Cardano ecosystem for years. I participated in and organized Cardano events, I also studied the technical part.

Last years I drove all around Ukraine, I know the local people, the atmosphere, specifics, and I know such a project is in need now.

In 2019 I created a literature crypto-bar Knygarium at the center of Kyiv, which even though it doesn't exist now, was very bright economic experiment during less than 1 year of existence we conducted around hundred of events

So I have experience of running physical cafe location and I know all the local specifics

[Project Milestones] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1

The first milestone is to choose the perfect location. As I already mentioned, it will be in Donbas region in the East of Ukraine (maybe Slovyansk, Kramatorsk or Druzhkivka city)

Then find the stuff, all the necessary equipment, furniture. Set up the documents needed for operation, and find books and goods.

And start operating - I think around 1 month of time will be enough to start.

Milestone 2:

Operating during 1 year in 2024 - the time will show what we'll need more, we might shift the conception a bit.

Final Milestone:

After 1 year of operation, Cafe should become self-sustainable, and we'll see according to the results - will we be able to repeat this model in another city.

[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?


Andrii Voloshyn (proposer)

3 years in Project Catalyst (since the beginning)

7 years in blockchain (research, marketing, content)

in 2019 created Knygarium, the first crypto-bar in the world which had its own currency


For additional roles such as Cafe manager, stuff, etc. I will find local people and will provide several jobs for the local economy

[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources.


Real estate rent: 12 000 ADA

Salaries: 20 000 ADA

Equipment: 10 000 ADA

Books: 1888 ADA

Additional costs: 10 000 ADA

Total: 49888 ADA

[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

49888 ADA is now $19 175 at the moment of submission of this proposal.

I think this project represents Amazing value for money, as it will scale Cardano presence and adoption in Ukraine and will (at least minimally) help the local economy.

In comparison, I remember in Catalyst few funds ago there was a project for 1 or 2 days conference in US. That project had a budget $200 000

Just to compare - Cardano Cafe, Cardano Hub in Ukraine can exist a Decade with this amount of money.

But it won't need additional funds as in 1 year it will become self-sustainable.

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