I cannot guarantee how successful you will be in the days to come

in cannot •  2 years ago 

(photo source)
You all have your own story. Many have suffered a lot. The South Memphis area has always been underdeveloped. The people here have got everything by raising their hands, it has never happened. You got what you asked for, but it never happened. But there is no reason to suffer. Rather it is a matter of pride. Because, all that you have achieved, all the goals you have achieved, all the success you have achieved, all the dreams you have realized, are all your own, absolutely your own achievement, the fruit of your own hard work. These are not the fruits of anyone's grace.

But students, remember one thing, your journey is not over today, there are many more ways to go. The journey has just begun. At every turn, the urge to make yourself better and better will never stop. I cannot guarantee how successful you will be in the days to come; But one thing I can say for sure, you will make a lot of mistakes along the way. Many difficult times will come. Maybe get frustrated. But if you keep pushing yourself all the time, you will be able to solve all the problems yourself. If you decide today that you will always strive to do good, then I can assure you that the education, the love, the success that you have received from Booker School will enable you to make your mark on the world.

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