QOTD: What do you currently do for a job?

in cannabis •  2 years ago 


Letting the grass grow beneath it and pulling out all the weeds out... except for THE "weed". The grass that growing helps the ground stay moist through out the hot heat.
I pulled a male out yesterday. His body shall become compost for the ground.


Remember that tomatoe I planted? I came home to find that plant all over the kitchen floor.
Only one in the house.
"Meow" she says.

How did she manage to tip it over is beyond me. It weighs a ton compared to her. Glad she didn't get hurt though.


At work punching holes in the walls. To install electrical appliences




Stroke of luck its the very easy ones. Just a snip of the points , insert cable into the appropriate fixture, tighten and good to go.



Very easy day today. Pretty succesful.
We do entire electrical instalations So expect more of these randomly in the future.

I dont like to talk about the same things over and over forever. This is why you get randome subjects here.

We finished the entire first floor. It was about 100 appliences including lights. The team has already cabled the entire two story house. Sorry there is not pictures of those. One day Ill document an entire project from beginning to end. Its really just taking lots of pictures then writing about it. But its not all the time I remember to do so. We are busy people whem were focused on expelling our energy into work.

Feels good to do something something positive. Like showering.

Speaking of which, goodbye :D


I Have a contest running for both spanish and english speaking, reading and writers.

If you decide to enter remember to include your links in any of my posts. Please fomlow the insteuctions to the letter. And add your thoughts to it.

Prize pool depends on you to fill it.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I like posting all kinds of random stuff too..

Good to have a successful day all round.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Im sorry I skipped over your message. Just noticed it today. I try to clear every message I get before the day ends.

Two days ago I was "dreaming" and I met a familiar face I have not seen since my youth. Including other family members.

However as I was walking away in anger from everyone else, It was my dead uncle that told me to head towards a certain direction. I followed his instructions and then met a pair of dogs who have just been killed in an accident. At that very moment, I woke up. And just as doon as I woke up, my phone started recieving a million messages. As I read them my heart sank.

My two dogs have just been found on the dead in the street, ran over by an 18 wheeler. So yesterday after burying them in my yard which is now a new pet cemetery it seems.

So I am dealing with that in my head right now. One I had for 4 years and her name was Poli short for Polilla (double ll is Y). She slept with me by my side so many times and gave me plenty of laughs and good company. She has still about 14 live children running about. She now lies buried next to the rest of her family as I grow a garden over them. Of cannabis lol...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh no what a strange night and then to wake up to such a terrible news! So sorry to hear, that's heartbreaking!

I wish you lived here I rly need a cabinet putting up lol 😬

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That is litteraly made next door to me. They also make tables and chairs, anything wood related. The smell of saw dust is good sometimes. Reminds of some past days.

Whatever I feel like doing when I wake up lol between photography, blogging, painting, teaching yoga, coaching. Making videos. I’ve somehow collated a number of freelance jobs

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for sticking around. I try to go do yoga once, it got expensive at the meet. So i decided maybe just do it at gome with some vids. Nope. I got lazy. Maybe it was the setting. I lose the motivation when its just me lol. I prefer group exercises. But everyone insists go pay to go to gym. nah lets do it on our own, at the park, at home, etc.

Plenty of mountains too here. Many anyone can hike up to. I'll get around to it someday too. Many things I still want to do before I leave this town for good.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Gardening today and getting a motorbike frame powder coated.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for sharing this great content, You have been manually Upvoted by @skylinebuds