Seedling Update(My Hopes And Dreams)

in cannabis •  4 years ago 


Wow what growth in the last few days! All that has been added besides pure coconut water was some Buddha Grow, which is a high nitrogen fertilizer, along with a seaweed microbe boost. This grow I have decided to take more control in my hands, and go with Roots Organics liquid nutes. The Roots Organic line is made with only organic ingredients, and the base is molasses. I have used this line in the past, but was using incorrectly. With this brand it is crucial you mix the fertilizer 24 hours prior, and if possible use a water pump, and an air stone. This rises the PH to the desired level. Funny it don't say that on the bottle! Oh well. You live and learn. Let's take a close up on the growth in the past few days........

What is in the trays


First up is the White Grape from the Bif boys. My cherry is being popped since this is the first time I am growing an Auto flower. I may have messed up since I have to transplant. Rule of thumb when it comes to Autos, they do not like transplanting! I have confidence I will do them right with my ninja skills. It is all in the hips, all in the hips.....


Next up is the Big Mac w/Cheese. This is a photo period strain. Which is a strain that needs 12 hours of darkness to be induced into flowering. My hopes is to find a keeper out of the bunch, to get a perpetual grow back up and running. My bigger hopes is to find a male out of the bunch and make seeds. Most people find a male and get bummed out. But why? Males are gold! With carful handling you can keep a male, collect its pollen, then pollinate only a few branches without ruining your whole crop. If you want to go a step further, you can keep a male in veg and keep as you would a mother plant. All of these successful seed company's have one thing in common. They have great males! So next time you see a ball sack. Don't get mad, make it a dad!


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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Finally popped that cherry 🤣🤣

Maybe get some mycorrhiza for the transplant

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

The happy frog has that. You think I should add more? And when should I use. Before or after?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yeah right in the transplant hole and than on the roots.

It helps build the fungi and stop transplant shock