I whipped up a cure for cancer in my kitchen today

in cannabis •  9 months ago 


I made 60 grams of pure cannabis oil today! Here are some photos of the final stage in the process; evaporating away the solvent. This post is not meant as a tutorial, or instructions. I have done MANY such posts in the past. This will just demonstrate my latest experience making this medicine.

I poured the solvent into my glass casserole dish and turned it on medium-low heat. NOTE: Never do it this way, unless you absolutely know what you're doing, and even then... you're responsible for your own safety!


Here's a shot after 15 minutes, showing some of the solvent having already evaporated:


This is the resulting medicine - a thick, sticky, so-yellow-it's-black oil, composed almost entirely of cannabinoids. They are in their fully decarboxylated forms, meaning they are ready for absorption and use by our endocannabinoid receptors.


After proofing (30 minutes in an oven at 220 degrees F), the oil was ready to draw up into 5mL syringes for convenient storage and dispensing.


60 grams of cannabis oil (aka "Rick Simpson's oil", or "phoenix tears") is sufficient to cure most cancers. This amount could replace hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and specialist visits. Do your own research... I have! If you'd like some information on how cannabis cures cancer, see my 15 minute video here.

This will treat @MediKatie's pain and neurological symptoms all Winter long, and well into next year. By then, I'll have a new source for clean organic bud, so that I can make up another batch.

Happy medicating,


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This is my first time to know this.

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Now that's Christmas cheer!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

Wow, I had no idea that cannabis was good for that. I hope it works, I wish it did.

The truth is that this topic has always seemed so murky to me... it is difficult for me to believe that with so many advances they have not been able to achieve a cure for a disease as difficult as that. My instinct tells me that there are powerful hands behind all of that, manipulating and hiding realities regardless of whether innocent people suffer.

Maybe I'm wrong; maybe not. But my heart beats and it rarely fails me.

By the way, I read the publication about the Canadian activist, who was also his friend. (just today I saw it after reading this post) Regrettable all the mockery in the midst of his death, regrettable many decisions that are made daily, regrettable so much that it should not happen but it does... And there we see once again another manipulative hand that is not the only one nor will it be.

There is so much to comment on this...

Greetings from my beautiful and beloved Cuba. (Forgive the translation, I am not fluent in English although I do know it, so I used Google Translate.)

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Thank you very much for reading my posts, and your thoughtful comment. The translation arrived to me clearly. : )
You are right, and we should listen to our hearts when they tell us something. Intuition is real, and powerful.
We know that the conventional cancer industry is 1 trillion dollars per year. Very big and very powerful. I believe there are many ways to cure cancers, but all of them are discredited, hidden, and outlawed to keep the profits coming to Big Pharma.

I had never seen it used to cure cancer. But yes to reduce pain.

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

You made it right when my belly was getting all sore and bloated and one dose at bedtime a couple of days in a row has really helped.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

You're the real life Getafix buddy! 😜⚗️🧪

@beblurt: Pls curate! 🙏🍀❤️


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