I made a big batch of ultra-high-potency cannabis oil

in cannabis •  2 years ago 

I infused organic MCT oil with a ridiculous amount of cannabinoids. It goes up your butt, on your skin, or down the hatch. It can be used in cooking/baking, added directly to food like margarine, used as infused sexual lubricant, made into suppositories, spread topically to reduce inflammation and pain, and more. The only thing you can't do with it now, is smoke it! But I couldn't smoke the cannabis I started with, either, so it's definitely an upgrade! Since I took photos of most of the steps, I figured I would share with the blockchain. This is real medical knowledge found almost nowhere else.

A few months ago, I scored a big bag of weed through my activism and community involvement. Only problem, it was all odds and ends, leftovers, lower-THC products, over-dried, and so on. Not that I'm a smoker anyway (99% of the time my wife and I use extracts like shatter), but this is definitely un-smokeable. It was well-grown, it's just the parts of the plant that don't have much THC. Luckily, I've done a lot of infusions and extractions, and I've worked with material like this before. Not a problem!

First, I filled a big glass casserole dish with weed, and popped it in the oven at about 220 degrees F. When it smelled delicious (ie: about an hour later), I removed it and scooped the decarbed dry weed out into a big glass jar.

I added about an inch, then pounded it down to pulverize it. Then added another inch or so, and smashed it some more. Eventually I had a jar full of material, ready for the infusion.

For the oil I chose MCT, which stands for medium chain triglycerides. Basically, it's coconut oil, separated out to obtain only the medium-sized fatty acid chains. This means it's clear, odorless, and remains a liquid at room temperature. I used a high-end organic MCT oil, ensuring my end product will be suitable for a wide range of applications. This can be taken internally, externally, ingested, and so on.

I poured MCT into the jar of decarbed cannabis until it was full of both.

Then I popped it back into the oven (still at about 220 degrees F) for another hour. This accomplished infusion from the plant material into the oil.

I strained the oil through cheesecloth into a smaller glass dish. There's a LOT of cannabis represented in just a cup or two of oil!

After a few hours in the fridge, it had cooled right down, but was still liquid!

It could be stored that way for quite some time, but I decided for even longer and safer storage, by putting it into the freezer.

I was very pleased with the resulting "cake". In the freezer, it's solid, but as soon as you take it out, it begins to soften, and then melt back to oil.

Kept in the freezer, it would technically last for years. This particular batch will be gone in weeks or months, though, don't worry about that! @MediKatie has been using it to speed her healing (she recently had a C section surgery to give birth to our daughter), by rubbing it on her tummy and other sore spots. The cannabinoids penetrate your skin and within seconds begin reducing pain and inflammation. The effect lasts a few hours. (No, you don't get high through your skin.)

I sliced it up like a dessert bar. (Yes, you would get ridiculously high if you ate it like that.) And yes, it works as a suppository! You could pour it into silicone molds before putting it in the freezer, if you want perfectly-shaped butt darts. I didn't have silicone suppository molds on hand, but luckily MediKatie was happy to use a clean spoon, left in the freezer a few minutes, to carve off an appropriate piece. (And yes, you get high when you take it like that. And it metabolizes differently, so you get high in a way you've never been before. It also works really well for pain and other health issues "down there".)

Finally, infused oil that is concentrated enough to meet the needs of chronic medical users (like my wife and I), and versatile enough to be used in almost any way we could require.

This process is perfect for anyone looking to turn cannabis (even low-end stuff like trim, popcorn nugs, shwag, etc) into infused oil. As with most things, the better quality you begin with, the better quality you'll end with. If your bud is full of mold, or chemicals, or something else unpleasant, don't use it for making medicine.

This method is easy and safe enough for essentially anyone to do, and requires only items found in most kitchens. I recommend you commit it to memory, or bookmark it for later, as you (or someone you love) may need this knowledge.

For information on how cannabis can cure cancers, click here, and for one of my recent videos on extracting full-spectrum cannabis oil ("RSO"), click here.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Those were some fast-acting, potent meds. A little too fast melting unfortunately...they didn't quite work as suppositories but sure worked well as belly sauce.

Wow. I've been known to smoke a bunch of weed on exotic islands in Thailand, but you guys are on a whole other level. Looks like you are having a lot of fun too. I'm impressed!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is educative @drutter. Cannabis have always been great source of pain reliever for those suffering sever pains. That is why most government's will hardly permits its official use because it will definitely cause them a huge lose of ill gotten wealth at the expense innocent and poor citizens struggling for survival.

Thanks for this priceless knowledge. Cheers!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your thoughtful comment.
I'm very glad you found the information useful!

Hey, you're here. I am too now. Don't know if you remember me from Steemit or BitChute. I saw Katie here and subscribed to her too. Now I can keep up with things going on in Canada. Glad you're here.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cool! I remember you now. Welcome to Blurt.
I think a lot of good people are coming here now. The toxic environment (created by downvotes) on Hive has finally bore fruit and the last of the real content-creators are bailing. The investors will turn on each other next.

Hi, @drutter,

Thank you for your contribution to the Blurt ecosystem.

Please consider voting for the witness @symbionts.
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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Very glad to be here, and appreciative of your support.