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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think here they have dropped the mandates for “ze papers”, but they’re only dropping the mask mandates on the 14th.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good food.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Looks so delicious 😍

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It’s the Best breakfast at the mall I had in 2 years….

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You never did anyway - it was all in your own mind, you let people get in it. Unshackle that mind!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ha ha ha ,… very true. I never wore a mask.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

All I write for, all I am is a man that wants everyone to be free from the bondage others put into their mind, be free brother, let nobody tell you what to do, as long as you harm no other.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Freedom is a State of Mind. I have always been Free.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Still cant travel to see my family abroad living in this hell... I wish I could say the same, but i am still cut off from 75% of my life before covid.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yikes. That is awful. I’m lucky all my family lives here in Canada.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

lol my family lives in BC and its like crazy mask people there still, i guy hyper ventilated because i asked to pay for gas without a mask

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The only ones making masks a mandatory thing are the big asian corporations here. Also national chain market stores such as Aurera and OXXO. Gas stations too. But only for employees and the customers that visit these. only. lol

Actually the customers for gas stations are not required since there are pump attendants present.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Freedom is priceless.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

wow the freedom that we have not been able to get for 2 years. you are lucky to be free now. hopefully we will also quickly catch up with this freedom

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Any recommended places to live in turtle island? I am feeling a change in scenery is necessary in a near future.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Really? You don't need masks? How did you do that? Send the steps to our goverment.😆