Unshackled minds - Justin on the run? Canada special.

in canada •  3 years ago  (edited)

Canada says "ENOUGH!"......

Well the truckers are leading the way with this one.
I have been watching this with interest as it gathers as they say steam or momentum. 100km's of truckers with more on the way heading to say a not so nice hello to the Canadian government.

From a Facebook feed:.
"Justin Kenze."

Hello everyone. We made it to Thunder Bay today. I have a hard time finding words to express the momentum on this convoy. The convoy is 100kms long and growing all the time.
The support people have is overwhelming. Coming into Winnipeg yesterday was pretty emotional the com radios went pretty quiet because no one could find words to express what we felt.
There was people packed on the shoulders of the streets. Cars parked and people for miles and miles on the ring road around the city. The horns never stopped honking! On the four lane going out of Winnipeg. We thought it was hammer down time but ended up driving 5 to 20 km/hr for hrs and hrs. People had camp fires going in the ditches, fire works, a sprayer with booms out with big Thank you! Signs on the booms. Crane trucks with the booms up with signs, lights flashing, and flags. The shoulders of the four lane packed with people and cars.
Overpasses packed with people. Tons of families little kids all bundled up. Everyone was jumping, dancing, waving signs, flags, and flash lights. All in -30. Seeing how happy kids are, their smiles makes you a little emotional at times. This is how Canada is suppose to be. This morning going into Ontario, the support is amazing.

The lane-ways, cross roads, little towns same things happening. Constantly speeding up and slowing for groups of people. I feel like I am cheating with adaptive cruise 😉. When we came to Thunder Bay they had a big area ploughed Off. Tents put up, big fires and a insane amount of food. Beef on the bun, spaghetti, sandwiches, coffee, doughnuts and you name it. They brought pallets of wind-shield washer fluid for everyone. Very humbling how kind everyone is. This is what freedom feels like. I felt normal for once not alone like the last two years. Thanks for all the support it is much appreciated!! Well I hitting the hay. Cheers. Thanks.

I have not edited that and left it as it was written.

There are genuine laws that protect you and I from forced medical tyranny like they are trying to impose around this wonderful world, we shall go into that another day in depth.
For now let us cover Canada alone.

Some of the comments from under that video above on fb below.

Trace Rickard.
absolutely amazing😁, kudos to all those truckers and all in the convoy🥰🙏, the atmosphere must be electric

Piret Peerna.
He can run but he can not hide...

Sharon Settle.
I can't watch the Truckers without bursting into tears... I feel so emotional, watching them fight for the worlds freedoms... Don't let them do it alone... everybody needs to be behind them, get out there in any vehicle you have, and those that can't, be prepared to help them along the way, with food, drink, hospitality , we have nothing left to lose now. I pray this happens in every country now , all together at the same time .... lets make history !!!

Another video below.


I do not think you need a fb account to watch that, just clean the cookies after.

IMO the people you would least want to anger are truckers as they are the food chain, they supply the fuel to filling stations, the wood, they provide for our most basic of needs, be it toilet paper, be it bottled water.

They are quiet heroes who never get any attention, until now that is.
I will leave the rest to your own imagination, words fail me as this one protest could possibly change the entire world, time will tell, but I have to say, the ordinary Canadians that have turned out and fed them, gave them a place to sleep, let them have a shower, and welcomed them into their homes, if any of you are one of them, you "are amazing."

Viva Le Canada. Have a superb day and make it a special one.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It's been awesome to watch the freedom convoy and all the people cheering and helping.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Agreed buddy, heart warming watching people, all people unite.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This has to be a good kick in the balls, Justin the crime ministers wife donating $25k to the truckers lol.

Gina Macina
3 h ·
Good Morning and Happy Friday!
Today's giggle to start your day off on the high vibe direction.
Trudeau's ex-wife Sophie Gregoire donated a huge chunk of cash to the Freedom Convoy.
😂😂😂 That's gotta hurt Justin!


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Thank you

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You are welcome.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

As always, thank you.