Welcome back,
We are here with a new program for everyone. Today i will share a program related to Race competition data so let's get started.
You can copy the above code below :
#define MAX_RACERS 100
// Function to sort the race times in ascending order using Bubble Sort
void bubbleSort(float times[], int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n - i - 1; j++) {
if (times[j] > times[j + 1]) {
// Swap the elements
float temp = times[j];
times[j] = times[j + 1];
times[j + 1] = temp;
int main() {
float raceTimes[MAX_RACERS];
int numRacers = 0;
char option;
// Input race times for existing racers
printf("Enter the number of racers: ");
scanf("%d", &numRacers);
if (numRacers <= 0 || numRacers > MAX_RACERS) {
printf("Invalid number of racers. Please enter a value between 1 and %d.\n", MAX_RACERS);
return 1;
printf("Enter race times for %d racers (in seconds):\n", numRacers);
for (int i = 0; i < numRacers; i++) {
printf("Racer %d: ", i + 1);
scanf("%f", &raceTimes[i]);
// Sort race times in ascending order
bubbleSort(raceTimes, numRacers);
// Display the sorted race times in top-to-bottom position
printf("\nTop-to-bottom position:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < numRacers; i++) {
printf("Racer %d: %.2f seconds\n", i + 1, raceTimes[i]);
// Registration for a new racer
printf("\nDo you want to register a new racer? (Y/N): ");
scanf(" %c", &option);
if (option == 'Y' || option == 'y') {
if (numRacers == MAX_RACERS) {
printf("The maximum number of racers has been reached. Cannot register a new racer.\n");
} else {
printf("Enter the race time for the new racer (in seconds): ");
scanf("%f", &raceTimes[numRacers]);
// Sort the updated race times with the new racer
bubbleSort(raceTimes, numRacers);
// Display the updated top-to-bottom position
printf("\nUpdated top-to-bottom position:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < numRacers; i++) {
printf("Racer %d: %.2f seconds\n", i + 1, raceTimes[i]);
} else {
printf("Thank you for using the race time organizer!\n");
return 0;
Now it is time for you to find the correct output for the given program. I am not going to give options today to make it even more difficult.
If you also want to learn basics and start your C programming journey then find a teacher today for free on Youtube.
I learnt alot from a teacher who teaches c in hindi and if you are finding someone who teaches in hindi then this person will definitely help you.
I am happy to call myself a trader and small programmer at the same time now.
Happy trading and keep learning what you love.