The Hypocrisy of Judges Exposed... Again

in byt •  3 years ago 

About two weeks ago, The Wall Street Journal ran an expose on the number of judges who held or traded the stock of companies over which they presided in legal proceedings. The article identifies 131 federal judges nationwide who did this during the period of 2010 to 2018. Of those 131 members of the judiciary, 61 judges purportedly traded the public company stock of litigants during the case. Imagine that! It’s quite incredible, actually.

You don't need to know much more, but you can read the rest of the article here: Powers On… Why US officials ignore ethics and STOCK Act by trading stocks?.

The strapline to the title is, "No wonder the crypto crowd is losing faith in our institutions and seeking autonomously driven technology like blockchain to cleanse us and give everyone a level playing field." I still feel that is deeply naive given the history of the criminal cartels that have most people in chains already: banks, law, medicine, military, energy.

The level of independence sought, or expected, by some in the blockchain industry must be somehow encoded into its very structure. Absolutely don't expect any governance model to retain any such freedoms; just look at so-called democracies.

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The whole system is so corrupt. Looks like Pelosi has grown richer to the tune of something like 200 million dollars in the last couple of years.

Judges here have so much power they can actually deny the introduction of proof of innocence or guilt, and daily rule in ways contrary to the constitution.

Seeing them profit from what you share above is no surprise. Crimes and laws only exist for the masses, not those pretending to be overseeing the illusion of rights and equality, lol.