Navigating a Busy World Gone Crazy

in busyness •  9 months ago 

Many years ago, I spent excessively much time (and money!) going to self-development and spiritual retreats and workshops.

I say "excessively" because sometimes I probably got a little compulsive about the whole idea of seeking understanding.


While doing so, a few things became evident to me...

There's a big difference between making it and living and thriving.

Alarmingly many people in our world are just making it, scraping by on a day to day basis, or perhaps working their fingers to the bone... in an effort to reach or obtain some almost impossible societal norm, held forth as an ideal. But whose ideal is that?

What are you telling yourself? The truth? A lie? A deception?

Living is better than making it, but neither truly represent thriving.


One of the other things I observed is how many people simply cruise through life on some kind of "auto pilot," never really questioning their existence... while always having a little inner voice commenting that things don't feel quite right.

But instead of self-reflection (and I've been there!) we charge forward in search of a different solution because somewhere there surely must be something we can fill that small empty/missing space with.

Some grow addicted to work, some grow addicted to service of others, some grow addicted to shopping... and... well... there's worse out there.

The fallacy is typically that we can fill that space with something external to ourselves. But it never really works.


Sure, we can feel momentarily better, but once the initial excitement and euphoria passes, we become aware that the "void inside" is still there, so we set off on a new quest to fill it.

Some might argue that this is how human progress comes about... but at what cost?

From where I am sitting, the world is a little bit crazy, primarily because we have so much become Human DO-INGS and Human HAVE-INGS rather than Human BE-INGS.

Remember to be...

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend!

How about YOU? Do you ever feel like all you're doing is running? Do you find time to pause and simply BE? If not, what would it take for you to take a few moments? DO leave me a comment — engagement matters! Communities are built because people INTERACT with each other through the content that's created! This is SOCIAL media, after all. So share your opinion, be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer all worthy comments!

Sequence: 081 — Timestamp: 2023.09.29 - 23:21 PDT

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  ·  9 months ago  ·  


Ahhh,…. The meaning of life. What’s it all about anyway ? Why are we here, why am I here ? What’s my purpose ? Many people spend their entire lives searching for their purpose…. Did you have a good life ? Did you become a big success ? Are you happy ? What is happy ? You can get bogged down in so many questions about happiness, success, purpose, and often become depressed when you think you’ve missed the point of living. Searching for answers and learning is important but I agree that being and appreciating what is already around you is the key to happiness. Siddhartha spent his entire life searching for the meaning of Life and tried many different things but it’s only at the end of the book when he is sitting by the river … looking out over the sparkling water aware of the Nature all around him that he realizes that it’s simply in being that you will find happiness. So I also try to spend every spare minute out in nature,… walking, sitting, kayaking, dreaming … sometimes alone but also with family and this makes me truly happy. Giving thanks to the Creator and all of creation for all these blessings. And then I post a photo of this moment to Blurt. How great Thou Art…


  ·  9 months ago  ·  

This is, indeed, what life is in my experience: A series of "moments," all of which have their own worthiness... gratitude for "what is." It may not be what we thought it might be...

Much of it is a choice. Do we obsess over what isn't, or do we focus on what is?

Nature is all around us with its beauty; something that can always be appreciated... you have your river and the world around it; I have my bay and mountains; the world around them. And I'm grateful that I get to share those images with the world, here and elsewhere.

  ·  9 months ago  ·  


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thank you for your work 👍

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