Good Intentions: Caught Up in the Holidaze!

in busyness •  7 months ago 

"The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions," as the old saying goes.

Whereas it was definitely my intention blog more regularly here... I have to admit that reality hasn't really been on my side.


We often talk about intending to do things, and I fully believe we are well-meaning, in doing so. But in our well-meaningness, we tend to negatively hallucinate that days have 24 hours, no matter how you turn things. That's just how things are.

Often, our intentions will be out of step with reality.

We know we can take the time to include some new goal in our life, but we're semi-blind to the fact that doing so is predicated on us having "perfect days" during which nothing out f the ordinary comes up and unexpectedly demands our time and energy.

In reality, how often do any of actually have such days, more than once in a great while? Truth is, we don't.

And we tend to conveniently forget the demands of our other commitments.


Consider my intention to blog more regularly. Well, when I made that statement previously, I'd conveniently "forgotten" that November and December are traditionally "showtime" for our household... meaning, it's the time of the year when Mrs. Denmarkguy and I spend many weekends attending arts and crafts fairs as vendors.

Of course, you don't just GO to holiday arts and crafts fairs, you also have to prepare for them.

And so, we were at one such event the weekend before Thanksgiving, and then it was Thanksgiving, and now this weekend (Friday-Saturday) we have an event, and next weekend (Friday-Saturday-Sunday) we have an event, and the following weekend (Sunday only) we have an event.

Meanwhile, "regular life" still continues.


It all made me think a little bit about "New Year's Resolutions," as well... and the recognition that at least some of the reason they so often fail is that we have the best of intentions but we don't remember to think through the real and functional aspects of such resolutions. What the the tangible and actual life infrastructure considerations? Because there invariably are some...

So maybe I should color myself satisfied with simply being able to grab a few moments here and there... and call that an achievement, rather than a failure to execute a greater plan.

And so, I will just plod forwards, step by step.

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great remainder of your week!

How about YOU? Do you follow up on your good intentions? Or do they mostly remain just "intentions?" DO leave me a comment — engagement matters! Communities are built because people INTERACT with each other through the content that's created! This is SOCIAL media, after all. So share your opinion, be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer all worthy comments!

Sequence: 082 — Timestamp: 2023.11.29 - 22:56 PST

All content and photos by the author unless otherwise specified — this is UNIQUE content, created expressly for this platform. This is not posted on other sites.

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